2.2 Signal Descriptions
Table 2-3 describes the signals. The GPIO function (shown in Italics) is the default at reset. The peripheral
signals that are listed under them are alternate functions. Some peripheral functions may not be available
in all devices. See Table 2-1 for details. Inputs are not 5-V tolerant. All pins capable of producing an
XINTF output function have a drive strength of 8 mA (typical). This is true even if the pin is not configured
for XINTF functionality. All other pins have a drive strength of 4-mA drive typical (unless otherwise
indicated). All GPIO pins are I/O/Z and have an internal pullup, which can be selectively enabled/disabled
on a per-pin basis. This feature only applies to the GPIO pins. The pullups on GPIO0-GPIO11 pins are not
enabled at reset. The pullups on GPIO12-GPIO34 are enabled upon reset.
Table 2-3. Signal Descriptions
JTAG test reset with internal pulldown. TRST, when driven high, gives the scan system control of the operations of
the device. If this signal is not connected or driven low, the device operates in its functional mode, and the test reset
signals are ignored.
NOTE: TRST is an active high test pin and must be maintained low at all times during normal device operation. An
external pulldown resistor is recommended on this pin. The value of this resistor should be based on drive strength of
the debugger pods applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ resistor generally offers adequate protection. Since this is
application-specific, it is recommended that each target board be validated for proper operation of the debugger and
the application. (I, ↓)
TCK JTAG test clock with internal pullup (I, ↑)
JTAG test-mode select (TMS) with internal pullup. This serial control input is clocked into the TAP controller on the
rising edge of TCK. (I, ↑)
JTAG test data input (TDI) with internal pullup. TDI is clocked into the selected register (instruction or data) on a
rising edge of TCK. (I, ↑)
JTAG scan out, test data output (TDO). The contents of the selected register (instruction or data) are shifted out of
TDO on the falling edge of TCK. (O/Z 8 mA drive)
Emulator pin 0. When TRST is driven high, this pin is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator system and is
defined as input/output through the JTAG scan. This pin is also used to put the device into boundary-scan mode.
With the EMU0 pin at a logic-high state and the EMU1 pin at a logic-low state, a rising edge on the TRST pin would
latch the device into boundary-scan mode. (I/O/Z, 8 mA drive ↑)
NOTE: An external pullup resistor is recommended on this pin. The value of this resistor should be based on the
drive strength of the debugger pods applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ to 4.7-kΩ resistor is generally adequate.
Since this is application-specific, it is recommended that each target board be validated for proper operation of the
debugger and the application.
Emulator pin 1. When TRST is driven high, this pin is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator system and is
defined as input/output through the JTAG scan. This pin is also used to put the device into boundary-scan mode.
With the EMU0 pin at a logic-high state and the EMU1 pin at a logic-low state, a rising edge on the TRST pin would
latch the device into boundary-scan mode. (I/O/Z, 8 mA drive ↑)
NOTE: An external pullup resistor is recommended on this pin. The value of this resistor should be based on the
drive strength of the debugger pods applicable to the design. A 2.2-kΩ to 4.7-kΩ resistor is generally adequate.
Since this is application-specific, it is recommended that each target board be validated for proper operation of the
debugger and the application.
3.3-V Flash Core Power Pin. This pin should be connected to 3.3 V at all times.
TEST1 Test Pin. Reserved for TI. Must be left unconnected. (I/O)
TEST2 Test Pin. Reserved for TI. Must be left unconnected. (I/O)
Output clock derived from SYSCLKOUT. XCLKOUT is either the same frequency, one-half the frequency, or one-
fourth the frequency of SYSCLKOUT. This is controlled by bits 18:16 (XTIMCLK) and bit 2 (CLKMODE) in the
XCLKOUT XINTCNF2 register. At reset, XCLKOUT = SYSCLKOUT/4. The XCLKOUT signal can be turned off by setting
XINTCNF2[CLKOFF] to 1. Unlike other GPIO pins, the XCLKOUT pin is not placed in high-impedance state during a
reset. (O/Z, 8 mA drive).
External Oscillator Input. This pin is to feed a clock from an external 3.3-V oscillator. In this case, the X1 pin must be
XCLKIN tied to GND. If a crystal/resonator is used (or if an external 1.9-V oscillator is used to feed clock to X1 pin), this pin
must be tied to GND. (I)
(1) I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance, OD = Open drain, ↑ = Pullup, ↓ = Pulldown
18 Introduction Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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