ASP.NET 4与Visual Studio 2010 Web开发新特性概览

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"ASP.NET 4 和 Visual Studio 2010 Web 开发概述" 这篇文档提供了关于 ASP.NET 4 和 Visual Studio 2010 中众多新特性的概述。以下是一些关键点的详细说明: 1. **核心服务**: - **Web.config 文件重构**:允许更灵活地配置应用程序,简化了对配置文件的管理。 - **可扩展的输出缓存**:开发者可以自定义缓存策略,以提高应用程序性能。 - **自动启动 Web 应用程序**:应用程序在 IIS 中启动时会自动初始化,减少了首次请求的延迟。 2. **页面重定向**: - **永久重定向**:可以方便地将一个页面重定向到另一个页面,同时保留搜索引擎优化(SEO)的友好性。 3. **会话状态管理**: - **缩小会话状态**:通过优化会话存储,减小了服务器资源的占用。 4. **请求验证**: - **可扩展的请求验证**:允许开发者自定义输入验证规则,增强了安全性。 5. **对象缓存与缓存扩展**: - **对象缓存**:提供了更高效的内存管理,可以缓存对象以加速数据访问。 - **缓存扩展**:允许开发者创建自定义缓存提供程序,适应不同的存储需求。 6. **HTML、URL 和 HTTP 头编码**: - **可扩展的编码**:开发者可以控制 HTML、URL 和 HTTP 头部的编码,以增强输出安全。 7. **性能监控**: - **单个工作进程中的应用性能监控**:能够针对单独的应用程序进行性能跟踪,便于诊断和优化。 8. **多目标框架**: - **多目标支持**:Visual Studio 2010 支持创建面向不同 .NET Framework 版本的项目,提高了代码的兼容性。 9. **AJAX 功能**: - **jQuery 的集成**:在 Web Forms 和 MVC 中内置 jQuery,简化了客户端脚本的编写。 - **内容分发网络支持**:提高了静态内容的加载速度,尤其对于全球用户来说。 - **ScriptManager 显式脚本**:允许对脚本的加载有更多控制,可以优化脚本合并和压缩。 10. **Web Forms**: - **设置 Meta 标签**:通过 Page.MetaKeywords 和 Page.MetaDescription 属性可以直接设置页面元信息,有利于 SEO。 - **个别控件启用视图状态**:可以选择性地为每个控件启用视图状态,平衡性能和功能需求。 - **浏览器功能的更改**:更新了对不同浏览器的支持,改进了跨平台兼容性。 11. **ASP.NET 4 路由**: - **路由**:引入了 URL 路由,使 ASP.NET 应用程序可以使用更加友好的和可搜索引擎抓取的 URL 结构。 12. **客户端 ID**: - **设置客户端 ID**:控制客户端元素的 ID 生成方式,简化了 JavaScript 和 CSS 的编写。 13. **持久的行选择**: - 在数据网格中,用户选择的行可以在页面间保持,提供了更好的用户体验。 这些特性显著提升了 ASP.NET 4 和 Visual Studio 2010 的开发效率和应用程序质量,使得开发者能够构建更强大、更安全、性能更优的 Web 应用程序。
2010-09-19 上传
Beginning ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010 The most up-to-date and comprehensive introductory ASP.NET book you’ll find on any shelf, Beginning ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010 guides you through Microsoft’s latest technology for building dynamic web sites. This book will enable you to build dynamic web pages on the fly, and assumes only the most basic knowledge of Visual Basic. The book provides exhaustive coverage of ASP.NET, guiding you from your first steps right up to the most advanced techniques, such as querying databases from within a web page and tuning your site for optimal performance. Within these pages, you’ll find tips for best practices and comprehensive discussions of key database and XML principles you need to know in order to be effective with ASP.NET. The book also emphasizes the invaluable coding techniques of object orientation and code-behind, which will start you off on the track to building real-world web sites right from the beginning—rather than just faking it with simplified coding practices. By the time you’ve finished the book, you will have mastered the core techniques and have all the knowledge you need to begin work as a professional ASP.NET developer. What you’ll learn * How to build well-structured ASP.NET applications from the first principles, including how to incorporate data from databases, XML files, web services, and other services. * A solid understanding of key ASP.NET concepts such as master pages, themes, state management, and error handling, and of which techniques work best in which situations. * How to improve the user experience of your pages through the use of ASP.NET AJAX and Silverlight to increase interactivity and provide input validation. Author Information Matthew MacDonald Matthew MacDonald is an author, educator, and MCSD developer who has a passion for emerging technologies. He is a regular writer for developer journals such as Inside Visual Basic, ASPToday, and Hardcore Visual Studio .NET, and he's the author of several books about programming with .NET, including User Interfaces in VB .NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls, The Book of VB .NET, and .NET Distributed Applications. In a dimly remembered past life, he studied English literature and theoretical physics. Send e-mail to him with praise, condemnation, and everything in between, to