
需积分: 13 1 下载量 191 浏览量 更新于2024-07-22 1 收藏 11.85MB PDF 举报
"嵌入式Android开发指南" "Embedded Android" 是一本专为希望基于Android创建嵌入式系统或想要将Android移植到新硬件上的开发者所准备的书籍。它也适用于那些想要构建定制开发环境的读者,同时对于黑客和修改者来说,这本书同样是一本了解Android工作原理的不可或缺的指南。 本书的赞誉来自于核心Linux内核开发者Greg Kroah-Hartman,他认为这是任何想基于Android创建系统的读者的必备书籍,特别是如果你不为Google工作,但你需要处理低级别Android接口,这本书就是你需要的。 Mark Gross,一位Android/Linux内核架构师,平台系统集成/移动通信团队成员,也强烈推荐这本书。他表示,如果你或你的团队致力于创建定制的Android镜像、设备或ROM修改,那么这本书正是你需要的。除了源代码本身,这本书是唯一一个解释Android如何工作,Android构建系统如何工作,以及Android整体结构的地方。他特别提到了关于构建系统和框架(第4章、第6章和第7章),这些章节包含了很多来自AOSP(Android开放源代码项目)源代码中的难以反向工程的信息,这些信息对节省时间和提升工作效率大有裨益。他希望在两年前他们团队开始研发基于Intel的Frozen Yogurt版本的Android时就有这本书,现在这本书可能已经成为新加入Intel Android栈团队成员的必读书目。 本书的内容可能包括但不限于以下知识点: 1. **Android嵌入式系统基础**:介绍如何在非传统设备上部署Android操作系统,如嵌入式设备、物联网设备等。 2. **Android系统结构**:深入讲解Android系统的核心组件,如内核、库、服务、应用程序框架等。 3. **Android构建系统**:详细介绍Android的构建过程,包括使用Buildroot、AOSP构建系统(如mm、mmx、mmm命令)来编译和定制Android系统。 4. **硬件适配**:如何针对新的硬件平台进行驱动程序开发和硬件抽象层(HAL)的编写,以确保Android能顺利运行。 5. **框架与服务**:探讨Android的各种服务和框架,如Activity Manager、Content Providers、Broadcast Receivers等,以及如何对其进行定制和扩展。 6. **ROM修改**:针对喜欢修改和优化Android系统的用户,分享如何创建自定义ROM,包括添加新功能、优化性能和增强用户体验。 7. **调试与测试**:提供调试技巧和测试策略,帮助开发者在开发过程中发现问题并解决问题。 通过学习这本书,读者可以掌握将Android应用于嵌入式领域的技术知识,理解Android系统的底层机制,并有能力对Android系统进行深度定制和优化,无论是为了商业产品开发还是个人项目探索,都能从中获益匪浅。
2019-02-18 上传
Android’s growth is phenomenal. In a very short time span, it has succeeded in becoming one of the top mobile platforms in the market. Clearly, the unique combination of open source licensing, aggressive go-to-market, and trendy interface is bearing fruit for Google’s Android team. Needless to say, the massive user uptake generated by Android has not gone unnoticed by handset manufacturers, mobile network operators, silicon manufacturers, and app developers. Products, apps, and devices “for,” “compatible with,” or “based on” Android seem to be coming out ever so fast. Beyond its mobile success, however, Android is also attracting the attention of yet another, unintended crowd: embedded systems developers. While a large number of embedded devices have little to no human interface, a substantial number of devices that would traditionally be considered “embedded” do have user interfaces. For a goodly number of modern machines, in addition to pure technical functionality, developers creating user-facing devices must also contend with human-computer interaction (HCI) factors. Therefore, designers must either present users with an experience they are already familiar with or risk alienating users by requiring them to learn a lesserknown or entirely new user experience. Before Android, the user interface choices available to the developers of such devices were fairly limited and limiting. Clearly, embedded developers prefer to offer users an interface they are already familiar with. Although that interface might have been window-based in the past—and hence a lot of embedded devices were based on classic window-centric, desktop-like, or desktopbased interfaces—Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android have forever democratized the use of touch-based, iPhone-like graphical interfaces. This shift in user paradigms and expectations, combined with Android’s open source licensing, have created a groundswell of interest about Android within the embedded world.