This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 2. Flowchart of our MOT algorithm. First, we generate tracklets by overlap criteria and min-cost flow, respectively. Then, we formulate the MOT
problem as the maximization of a submodular optimization problem, where handling occlusion is also incorporated into our framework.
Zamir et al. [14] generated the tracklets of pedestrians using a
global method. The method in [15] only relies on spatial char-
acteristics between detections, and it lacks robustness when
detections are too close with each other in space. Tracklets by
Zamir et al. [14] exploit the appearance features in a batch of
video frames. However, appearance cues are not sufficient to
discriminate multiple objects, especially for tracking objects
with similar appearances. In this paper, we first adopt intu-
itive overlap criteria on detections to obtain reliable tracklets.
Then, a network flow model is built to generate another kind
of tracklets. We incorporate these two kinds of tracklets into
our submodular optimization as a new selection process.
Another group of important related works are the submod-
ular optimization approaches for image and video processing.
Submodularity has been applied to many vision tasks, such
as video summarization [22], detection [24], object recogni-
tion [25], and clustering [26]. Liu et al. [26] presented the
entropy rate of random walk on a graph for compact and
homogeneous clustering. Jiang and Davis [24] solved a facility
location problem for salient region detection by maximizing
a submodular objective function. Submodular maximization
solves many important problems including certain constraint
satisfaction problems and maximum facility location prob-
lems. In our framework, we formulate the MOT problem as a
submodular optimization problem. A submodular function is
designed to pick the correct tracklets from the candidate set
of tracklets, and these tracklets can constitute the final target
The flowchart of our MOT algorithm is given in Fig. 2.
The first step detects the pedestrians in each frame. We use the
object detections provided by the MOTChallenge2015 dataset.
Next, we divide the input sequence into a number of video
segments and find the low-level tracklets, where each video
segment contains ten frames. Two strategies are used to create
the low-level tracklets. Then the low-level tracklets in differ-
ent segments are used as the input to generate trajectories.
We propose a data association model that can be solved by
a submodular function to connect the low-level tracklets and
generate the final trajectories. The final step is to optimize our
trajectory result and solve the occlusion problem.
A. Finding Low-Level Tracklets
In this section, we describe how to get the low-level track-
lets. We divide an input video into K segments of ten frames
each. Then we adopt two data association methods to find
tracklets and then incorporate these tracklets into our sub-
modular optimization framework. Tracklets have been used as
reliable inputs in many previous works which can reduce the
computational complexity and noise. In this paper, we incor-
porate appearance and motion similarity between different
tracklets into our cost function.
1) Overlap Criteria Method: An intuitive overlap criterion
is used in this paper to connect bounding boxes between con-
secutive frames according to their overlap ratio just like [15].
Fig. 3 shows the overlap of two detections d
and d
consecutive frames t and t + 1, respectively. There are four
situations including partial overlap and complete overlap for
these two detections. Detections d
and d
have an over-
lapped part in Fig. 3(a), and they do not have overlaps in
Fig. 3(b). Fig. 3(c) and (d) shows that one detection contains
another one. In general, we calculate the value of an overlap
region as follows:
+ S
− S
where S
means the common area of two detections and S
and S
represent the areas of detections d
and d
, respec-
tively. And the value of V
measures the percentage of
the common area of corresponding detections. As shown in
Fig. 3(b), when two detections d
and d
are apart in spa-
tial domain, V
equals to 0, which means they are little
likely to be part of the same target. Finally, we connect two
detections as a tracklet if V
> 0.6.
This method relies on the spatial characteristics between
detections in consecutive frames. If two detections which