
Keil is a software development tool commonly used for embedded systems programming. When creating a new STM32 project in Keil, there are six steps to follow.
Step 1: Create a New Folder
Begin by creating a new folder where your project files will be stored.
Step 2: Copy Necessary Files
Copy all the essential files required for your STM32 project into the newly created folder.
Step 3: Create a New Project
Open the Keil software and navigate to Project -> New uVision project. Set the path and name for the project, then save it. Select the STM32 chip model you are using and click "OK."
Step 4: Add Groups and Files
Click on the target to set the project name and group name. Right-click on the project name to create a new group. Once the group is created, you can start adding files to it. Begin by adding files from the CMSIS group, such as system_st.
Step 5: Configure Project Settings
Configure the project settings, including the compiler options, device configuration, and debugging settings. Make sure to set up the correct toolchain for your STM32 project.
Step 6: Write and Build Code
Start writing your code in the Keil IDE and build the project to check for any errors. Debug the code as needed to ensure it runs smoothly on the STM32 microcontroller.
By following these six steps, you can successfully create a new STM32 project in Keil and begin developing embedded systems applications for your devices.

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