3-Sweep: Extracting Editable Objects from a Single Photo
Tao Chen
Zhe Zhu
Ariel Shamir
Shi-Min Hu
Daniel Cohen-Or
TNList, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
Tel Aviv University
The Interdisciplinary Center
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 1: 3-Sweep Object Extraction. (a) Input image. (b) Extracted edges. (c) 3-Sweep modeling of one component of the object. (d) The
full extracted 3D model. (e) Editing the model by rotating each arm in a different direction, and pasting onto a new background. The base of
the object is transferred by alpha matting and compositing.
We introduce an interactive technique for manipulating simple 3D
shapes based on extracting them from a single photograph. Such
extraction requires understanding of the components of the shape,
their projections, and relations. These simple cognitive tasks for
humans are particularly difficult for automatic algorithms. Thus,
our approach combines the cognitive abilities of humans with the
computational accuracy of the machine to solve this problem. Our
technique provides the user the means to quickly create editable 3D
parts— human assistance implicitly segments a complex object in-
to its components, and positions them in space. In our interface,
three strokes are used to generate a 3D component that snaps to the
shape’s outline in the photograph, where each stroke defines one
dimension of the component. The computer reshapes the compo-
nent to fit the image of the object in the photograph as well as to
satisfy various inferred geometric constraints imposed by its global
3D structure. We show that with this intelligent interactive mod-
eling tool, the daunting task of object extraction is made simple.
Once the 3D object has been extracted, it can be quickly edited and
placed back into photos or 3D scenes, permitting object-driven pho-
to editing tasks which are impossible to perform in image-space.
We show several examples and present a user study illustrating the
usefulness of our technique.
CR Categories: I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Ge-
ometry and Object Modeling—Geometric algorithms, languages,
and systems;
Keywords: Interactive techniques, Photo manipulation, Image
Links: DL PDF
This work was performed while Tao Chen was a postdoctoral researcher
at TAU and IDC, Israel.
1 Introduction
Extracting three dimensional objects from a single photo is still a
long way from reality given the current state of technology, as it in-
volves numerous complex tasks: the target object must be separated
from its background, and its 3D pose, shape and structure should be
recognized from its projection. These tasks are difficult, and even
ill-posed, since they require some degree of semantic understand-
ing of the object. To alleviate this problem, complex 3D models
can be partitioned into simpler parts, but identifying object parts
also requires further semantic understanding and is difficult to per-
form automatically. Moreover, having decomposed a 3D shape into
parts, the relations between these parts should also be understood
and maintained in the final composition.
In this paper we present an interactive technique to extract 3D man-
made objects from a single photograph, leveraging the strengths of
both humans and computers (see Figure 1). Human perceptual abil-
ities are used to partition, recognize and position shape parts, using
a very simple interface based on triplets of strokes, while the com-
puter performs tasks which are computationally intensive or require
accuracy. The final object model produced by our method includes
its geometry and structure, as well as some of its semantics. This
allows the extracted model to be readily available for intelligent
editing, which maintains the shape’s semantics.
Our approach is based on the observation that many man-made ob-
jects can be decomposed into simpler parts that can be represented
by a generalized cylinder, cuboid or similar primitives. The key
idea of our method is to provide the user with an interactive tool
to guide the creation of 3D editable primitives. The tool is based
on a rather simple modeling gesture we call 3-sweep. This gesture
allows the user to explicitly define the three dimensions of the prim-
itive using three sweeps. The first two sweeps define the first and
second dimension of a 2D profile and the third, longer, sweep is
used to define the main curved axis of the primitive.
As the user sweeps the primitive, the program dynamically adjusts
the progressive profile by sensing the pictorial context in the pho-
tograph and automatically snapping to it. Using such 3-sweep op-
erations, the user can model 3D parts consistent with the object in
the photograph, while the computer automatically maintains global
constraints linking it to other primitives comprising the object.