设计与实现多功能单片学习机的NAND FLASH驱动 - 毕业论文总结
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The graduation design thesis "The design of NAND FLASH driver based on a Multifunction SCM learning machine" consists of two parts: the multifunctional single-chip learning machine and the NAND FLASH memory. Firstly, the software/hardware design of the multifunctional single-chip learning machine is introduced. This learning machine utilizes an automatic program switching circuit, allowing the same single-chip to run system programs and user programs, enabling online downloading of program codes. The learning machine has externally expanded a large number of hardware resources, and the rich system hardware resources constitute various practical application circuits. Through the universal expansion interface, external application circuits can be easily simulated and user application circuits can be extended. Secondly, the software/hardware design of the NAND FLASH extension board is emphasized, achieving the read and write timing of NAND FLASH through the multifunctional single-chip learning machine.
In summary, the design of NAND FLASH driver based on a Multifunction SCM learning machine is a comprehensive and innovative project that combines the functionalities of the learning machine with the storage capabilities of NAND FLASH memory. The automatic program switching circuit of the learning machine enhances its versatility and convenience for running different types of programs. The external expansion of hardware resources provides flexibility for various applications, while the NAND FLASH extension board allows for efficient read and write operations. This design project showcases the integration of hardware and software components to create a practical and versatile solution for NAND FLASH storage management.
2023-06-28 上传
2023-07-09 上传

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