
需积分: 6 1 下载量 101 浏览量 更新于2024-03-21 收藏 6.43MB PDF 举报
The KNX Standard Data Point Type Table and KNX Data Type Description document provides a comprehensive guide on the different data point types utilized for interworking within the KNX system. This chapter outlines the various standard data point types that are essential for transmitting data effectively on the KNX bus. The document specifies that Version 1.07.00 is an approved standard by the KNX Association, ensuring reliability and compatibility within the KNX system. The System Specifications outlined in the document emphasize the importance of interworking and the utilization of standard data point types for seamless communication within the KNX system. The KNX Standard Interworking Data Point Types outlined in the document are critical for ensuring interoperability and compatibility between different devices and systems within the KNX network. The document is continuously updated to reflect the evolving standards and advancements in technology, ensuring that the KNX system remains current and efficient. In conclusion, the KNX Standard Data Point Type Table and Data Type Description document provides a comprehensive and detailed guide on the standard data point types essential for interworking within the KNX system. By adhering to these standard data point types, users can ensure smooth communication and compatibility within the KNX network, further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.