"基于springboot vue的社区志愿者信息管理系统设计与实现"
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The "SpringBoot Vue-based Community Volunteer Information Management System Design and Implementation Paper.docx" is a comprehensive document detailing the development of a volunteer information management system. This system utilizes a B/S architecture with MySQL as the database. The website is built using advanced Java programming through the SpringBoot framework. The system is designed to be managed by both administrators and users, with functions including personal information modification, management of users, service projects, activity types, volunteer activities, and outstanding volunteers.
One unique feature of this system is the inclusion of a homepage that displays the latest information, allowing users to quickly browse for updates. This makes the system efficient, dynamic, and user-friendly. During the design process, the advantages of developing the system in Java were fully utilized, resulting in code that is easily readable and maintainable. This also simplifies future updates and maintenance, reducing the complexity of operations.
The successful development and implementation of this system significantly improve services related to community volunteer information management. Both administrators and users benefit from the convenience the system provides, contributing to societal progress and development. This system serves as a valuable tool for enhancing community engagement and volunteerism, ultimately contributing to a more cohesive and prosperous society.
Keywords: Community Volunteer Information Management System; Java Language; MySQL Database.
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