Fig. 1. MIMO relay architecture with intrarelay cooperation.
We shall use lower case for vectors, while capital letters for
matrices. The complex transposition operator is defined as
while the conjugate of the elements of a matrix
, is given by
. Also the , and are the trace and determinant of
respectively. The operation stacks the columns
into a single column vector, and denotes the Kronecker
product. We denote by
a block diag-
onal matrix with block elements given by
. Also, denotes
the pseudoinverse.
Fig. 1 illustrates a MIMO wireless sensor network consisting
transmit antennas at the source and receive antennas
at the destination. We consider an amplify-and-forward relay
scheme consisting of
relays, each relay is equipped with
transmit/receive antennas. In the subsequent discussions we de-
rive relations between the number of transmit and receive an-
tennas for each condition to have a unique solution. As long
as these relations are honored, having unequal numbers of re-
ceive and transmit antennas are possible, and would affect the
diversity gain of the system. For the purposes of this paper
we focus on the case where the number of transmit and re-
ceive antennas are equal. The relay matrix is represented by
a block diagonal matrix
, where each block is given by a
relay gain matrix , . We de-
note by
the channel
matrix between the source and the relay nodes, while
is the channel matrix between
the relay sensors and the destination. The channel matrices are
memoryless and a quasi-static fading condition is assumed. The
received signal is modeled as
and are additive Gaussian noise (AGN) with co-
variance matrixes
and respectively and is the trans-
mitted signal with covariance matrix
. A two-phase
(two-hop) protocol is used to transmit data from the source to the
receiver. In the first phase (hop) the source broadcasts a signal
towards the relay sensors. In the second phase, the relay
sensors retransmit the information to the destination. At the re-
ceiver, depending on the design criterion, one can further em-
ploy a MIMO equalizer, which we shall denote later by
order to compensate for the effect of the overall MIMO channel.
In the latter, the goal is to design
both separately and
jointly, possibly considering a power constraint. We investigate
the performance of a MIMO relay network under the following
1) First, the relay matrix and equalizer pair
are de-
signed under a MMSE criterion, considering two distinct
cases: i) without power constraint, where
designed in two independent steps; ii) under an output
power constraint, where the relays are selected such that
the overall MMSE is minimized. Finally, we present a
closed-form solution for the case of global power con-
straint at the relays albeit for the special case of minimizing
the MSE of a SISO system. A similar approach was con-
sidered in [18], where the authors maximize the received
signal power. However in the latter, a closed form solution
was found only for high SNR situations.
2) Second, without considering any predetermined MIMO
decoder (equalizer), we design the optimal relay matrix
such that it maximizes the output SNR without post-equal-
ization (see
in Fig. 1). This is achieved under a ZF
criterion, first with a specified target output SNR. Then, by
relaxing the target SNR condition, a total power constraint
for the relays is enforced. Note that in such cases, the role
of the relays is to provide equalization for the underlying
forward and backward channels. Observe also that in [16],
a similar ZF technique is considered, where each relay
performs ZF on its local backward and forward channels,
albeit without considering the effect of noise at the relays.
The proposed ZF approach outperforms the one of [16],
however with higher complexity since each relay requires
knowledge on the entire backward channel as well as its
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