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事件驱动编程(Event-Driven Programming, EDP)是一种编程范式,它强调程序的执行流程主要围绕事件的发生和响应来进行。在这样的模型中,系统不是按照预先定义的顺序执行任务,而是当特定事件发生时,程序会立即响应并执行相应的处理逻辑。这种设计使得程序能够更灵活、高效地处理复杂和动态的应用场景。 **1. 引言** Event-Driven Programming 引入了一种异步编程的方式,它将程序的执行分解为一系列事件,每个事件代表一个状态变化或用户交互。通过监听这些事件,程序能够及时响应并在合适的时间执行操作,而不是等待所有操作完成后才继续下一步。这种方法特别适合于实时性要求高的应用,如网络编程、图形用户界面(GUI)开发、消息队列系统等。 **2. 教程** 在学习Event-Driven Programming时,通常会涉及以下关键概念: - **事件源(Event Source)**:触发事件的对象,比如窗口、按钮、网络套接字等。 - **事件处理器(Event Handler)**:接收并处理事件的函数或方法,它们在事件被触发时自动执行。 - **事件循环(Event Loop)**:程序的主要控制结构,不断地监控事件源并调度相应的处理器。 - **回调函数(Callback Function)**:一种常见的事件处理器形式,当事件发生时,函数作为参数传递给其他函数来执行。 - **事件监听(Event Listening)**:注册事件处理器以监视特定事件的过程。 **3. 历史** Event-Driven Programming 的历史可以追溯到早期的计算机系统,如图形用户界面的兴起,其中鼠标点击和键盘输入就是典型事件。随着软件工程的发展,它在多线程、分布式系统和网络通信中得到了广泛应用。例如,Web浏览器的JavaScript就是基于事件驱动模型来实现动态网页交互的。近年来,微服务架构和云计算中的消息传递机制,如AMQP和WebSocket,也进一步推动了事件驱动编程在现代软件开发中的地位。 **4. 示例与实践** 在实践中,Event-Driven Programming 可以通过多种编程语言实现,如Java的Swing库、Python的tkinter模块、JavaScript的Node.js等。理解事件驱动编程模式有助于提高程序的响应速度和用户体验,并减少代码的复杂性。 **5. 版本更新** 文件提到的版本0.1至0.3反映了作者Stephen Ferg对该教程文档的不断迭代和完善,包括修正错误和改进内容,以便更好地服务于学习者和开发者。 总结来说,Event-Driven Programming 是一种关键的编程技术,它通过事件的驱动机制使程序更加灵活和响应迅速。无论是对于初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,理解和掌握这一概念都是提升软件质量和性能的重要一步。
2015-09-15 上传
Essential concepts of programming language design and implementation are explained and illustrated in the context of the object-oriented programming language (OOPL) paradigm. Written with the upper-level undergraduate student in mind, the text begins with an introductory chapter that summarizes the essential features of an OOPL, then widens the discussion to categorize the other major paradigms, introduce the important issues, and define the essential terms. After a brief second chapter on event-driven programming (EDP), subsequent chapters are built around case studies in each of the languages Smalltalk, C++, Java, C#, and Python. Included in each case study is a discussion of the accompanying libraries, including the essential container classes. For each language, one important event-driven library is singled out and studied. Sufficient information is given so that students can complete an event-driven project in any of the given languages. After completing the course the student should have a solid set of skills in each language the instructor chooses to cover, a comprehensive overview of how these languages relate to each other, and an appreciation of the major issues in OOPL design. Key Features Provides essential coverage of Smalltalk origins, syntax, and semantics, a valuable asset for students wanting to understand the hybrid Objective C language Includes a companion disc with source code and figures from the text. Provides detailed case studies of Smalltalk, Java, C++, C#, and Python and features a side-by-side development of the Java and C++ languages--highlighting their similarities and differences Sets the discussion in a historical framework, tracing the roots of the OOPLs back to Simula 67 Provides broad-based coverage of all languages, imparting essential skills as well as an appreciation for each language’s design philosophy Includes chapter summary, review questions, and exercises in each chapter, and an appendix with event-driven projects. Table of Contents Chapter 1 A Context-Sensitive Introduction Chapter 2 Event-Driven Programming Chapter 3 Smalltalk and the Squeak Environment Chapter 4 C++ and Java Commonalities and Similarities Chapter 5 Additional Concepts from the C++ Language Chapter 6 Visual Studio and the Microsoft Foundation Classes Chapter 7 Java and the Swing Library Chapter 8 C# and the Common Language Infrastructure Chapter 9 Python