OpenLayers 3基础教程:升级版2016地图库与核心组件详解

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本篇2016年最新发布的OpenLayers 3基础教程旨在为初学者提供全面的入门指南,介绍了OL3这一现代化的地图库,它代表了OpenLayers框架的重大升级。在版本2的基础上,OL3采用现代设计模式,解决了早期JavaScript开发中的局限性,为开发者带来了更高效和灵活的体验。 首先,核心组件是Map(ol.Map),它是OpenLayers3的基础,负责与HTML容器(如div元素)集成并呈现地图。在创建Map时,用户可以选择配置初始属性,比如设置目标容器或使用setter方法如setTarget()动态更改。 View(ol.View)是地图的视角控制器,它管理地图的中心位置、缩放级别和投影设置。默认情况下,投影设置为球墨卡托投影(EPSG:3857),分辨率单位为米。View通过zoom选项控制缩放,其范围由maxZoom(默认28级)、zoomFactor(默认2)和maxResolution(根据投影计算得出)共同决定。 OpenLayers 3引入了Source子类,这是获取地图数据的主要方式,支持各种类型的数据源,包括免费和付费的瓦片服务(如OpenStreetMap、Bing等)、OGC服务(如WMS或WMTS)以及矢量数据(如GeoJSON和KML格式)。 图层(Layer)则是数据在地图上可视化的表现形式,OpenLayers 3主要提供三种类型的图层:ol.layer.Tile用于瓦片数据,ol.layer.Image适用于图片数据,而ol.layer.Vector则用于处理矢量数据,如矢量路径和标记。 这篇教程涵盖了OpenLayers 3的基本构建块,让读者了解如何利用这些工具创建、配置和展示地图,无论是静态瓦片还是动态矢量数据,都能在现代浏览器环境中实现高效的地理信息应用。通过学习这篇教程,开发者将能够掌握在实际项目中使用OpenLayers 3的强大功能。
2016-02-11 上传
OpenLayers 3 allows you to create stunning web mapping and WebGIS applications. It uses modern, cutting edge browser technologies. It is written with Closure Library, enabling you to build browser-independent applications without painful debugging ceremonies, which even have some limited fallback options for older browsers. With this guide, you will be introduced to the world of advanced web mapping and WebGIS. First, you will be introduced to the advanced features and functionalities available in OpenLayers 3. Next, you will be taken through the key points of creating custom applications with OpenLayers 3. You will then learn how to create the web mapping application of yours (or your company’s) dream with this open source, expense-free, yet very powerful library. We’ll also show you how to make amazing looking thematic maps and create great effects with canvas manipulation. By the end of this book, you will have a strong command of web mapping and will be well on your way to creating amazing applications using OpenLayers 3. What you will learn Use the advanced functionality of the OpenLayers 3 library effectively Implement the library in your application, shaping it to your needs Manage layers and the layer stack dynamically Create not only stunning but also accurate thematic maps Extend OpenLayers 3 with your own custom classes Develop mobile-friendly web mapping applications Make stunning effects with canvas manipulation, or visualize point clouds with WebGL Integrate third-party applications, and create custom builds that completely satisfy your needs