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The answer key for Unit 1 of the first volume of the New Horizon English textbook (2nd edition) provides a comprehensive and complete version of the answers. It covers a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures, allowing students to enhance their language skills effectively. The vocabulary exercises include words such as "rewarding", "communicate", "access", "embarrassing", "positive", "commitment", "virtual", "benefits", "minimum", and "opportunities". The prepositions exercise covers prepositions such as "up", "into", "from", "with", "to", "up", "of", "in", "for", and "with". The grammar exercise covers sentence structures where universities in the east are better equipped compared to those in the west, different pricing strategies used by Allan Clark and Wilkinson, and the impact of technological advancements on communication.
Overall, the answer key for Unit 1 of the New Horizon English textbook (2nd edition) provides a solid foundation for students to build their English language skills. It helps them to understand and apply vocabulary words and sentence structures effectively, allowing them to communicate more confidently and fluently in English. Students can use this answer key as a valuable resource to practice and improve their English language proficiency.
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