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"中文版c++探秘" 《中文版c++探秘》是Alice E. Fischer所著的一本关于C++编程的书籍,适合已经熟悉C语言并希望深入理解C++特性和概念的读者。该书针对英文原版进行了翻译,提供给习惯阅读中文版的用户作为工具书使用。 本书涵盖了C++编程的多个重要方面,旨在帮助读者掌握C++的高级特性,提升编程技巧。书中首先列出了1.1章节的“编程戒律”(Commandments),强调了良好的编程风格对于代码质量和可读性的重要性。1.2章节详细讨论了编程风格,包括一般规则、命名规范、使用习惯、缩进、函数定义、类型定义与结构体,以及如何利用工具库,如C++标准库。 在2.1章节中,作者探讨了C语言为何需要C++的升级,阐述了C++的设计目标是为了扩展C的功能,并实现面向对象编程的原则。C++通过对C的扩展,引入了类、继承、多态等概念,以更好地进行软件建模。2.2章节介绍了对象导向编程的基本原理,2.3章节则对比了C与C++之间的关键差异,帮助读者理解两者的异同。2.4章节通过一个具体的例子——通用插入排序(Generic Insertion Sort)来展示C++的泛型编程和模块化设计,包括主程序、数据包头文件和相关函数的实现。 3.1至3.3章节着重讲解了C++中的输入/输出(I/O)系统,特别是对熟悉C语言的程序员而言,如何在新的语言环境中理解和应用这些概念。3.2章节涉及包含文件(Include Files)的使用,3.3章节详细解析了流(Streams)和文件的交互,包括常见的流错误和处理方法。 《中文版c++探秘》是一本深入浅出的C++教程,它不仅关注语言的细节,也强调编程实践中的最佳实践,对于想要提升C++技能的开发者来说是一份宝贵的资源。通过阅读本书,读者将能够全面了解C++的核心特性,掌握面向对象编程的思维方式,并能熟练地在实际项目中运用C++。
2016-03-22 上传
Discovering Modern C++: An Intensive Course for Scientists, Engineers, and Programmers (C++ In-Depth) 1st Edition Paperback: 480 pages Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (December 27, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 0134383583 ISBN-13: 978-0134383583 As scientific and engineering projects grow larger and more complex, it is increasingly likely that those projects will be written in C++. With embedded hardware growing more powerful, much of its software is moving to C++, too. Mastering C++ gives you strong skills for programming at nearly every level, from “close to the hardware” to the highest-level abstractions. In short, C++ is a language that scientific and technical practitioners need to know. Peter Gottschling’s Discovering Modern C++ is an intensive introduction that guides you smoothly to sophisticated approaches based on advanced features. Gottschling introduces key concepts using examples from many technical problem domains, drawing on his extensive experience training professionals and teaching C++ to students of physics, math, and engineering. This book is designed to help you get started rapidly and then master increasingly robust features, from lambdas to expression templates. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the powerful libraries available to C++ programmers: both the Standard Template Library (STL) and scientific libraries for arithmetic, linear algebra, differential equations, and graphs. Throughout, Gottschling demonstrates how to write clear and expressive software using object orientation, generics, metaprogramming, and procedural techniques. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have mastered all the abstractions you need to write C++ programs with exceptional quality and performance.
2016-01-06 上传
As scientific and engineering projects grow larger and more complex, it is increasingly likely that those projects will be written in C++. With embedded hardware growing more powerful, much of its software is moving to C++, too. Mastering C++ gives you strong skills for programming at nearly every level, from “close to the hardware” to the highest-level abstractions. In short, C++ is a language that scientific and technical practitioners need to know., Peter Gottschling’s Discovering Modern C++ is an intensive introduction that guides you smoothly to sophisticated approaches based on advanced features. Gottschling introduces key concepts using examples from many technical problem domains, drawing on his extensive experience training professionals and teaching C++ to students of physics, math, and engineering., This book is designed to help you get started rapidly and then master increasingly robust features, from lambdas to expression templates. You’ll also learn how to take advantage of the powerful libraries available to C++ programmers: both the Standard Template Library (STL) and scientific libraries for arithmetic, linear algebra, differential equations, and graphs., Throughout, Gottschling demonstrates how to write clear and expressive software using object orientation, generics, metaprogramming, and procedural techniques. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have mastered all the abstractions you need to write C++ programs with exceptional quality and performance.