WINNER II D1.1.2 V1.2
Page 17 (82)
2.3.3 B1 – Urban micro-cell
In urban micro-cell scenarios the height of both the antenna at the BS and at the MS is assumed to be well
below the tops of surrounding buildings. Both antennas are assumed to be outdoors in an area where
streets are laid out in a Manhattan-like grid. The streets in the coverage area are classified as “the main
street”, where there is the LOS from all locations to the BS, with the possible exception in cases where
the LOS is temporarily blocked by traffic (e.g. trucks and busses) on the street. Streets that intersect the
main street are referred to as perpendicular streets, and those that run parallel to it are referred to as
parallel streets. This scenario is defined for both the LOS and the NLOS cases. Cell shapes are defined
by the surrounding buildings, and energy reaches NLOS streets as a result of the propagation around
corners, through buildings, and between them.
2.3.4 B2 – Bad Urban micro-cell
Bad urban micro-cell scenarios are identical in layout to Urban Micro-cell scenarios, as described above.
However, propagation characteristics are such that multipath energy from distant objects can be received
at some locations. This energy can be clustered or distinct, has significant power (up to within a few dB
of the earliest received energy), and exhibits long excess delays. Such situations typically occur when
there are clear radio paths across open areas, such as large squares, parks or bodies of water.
2.3.5 B3 – Indoor hotspot
Scenario B3 represents the propagation conditions pertinent to operation in a typical indoor hotspot, with
wide, but non-ubiquitous coverage and low mobility (0-5 km/h). Traffic of high density would be
expected in such scenarios, as for example, in conference halls, factories, train stations and airports,
where the indoor environment is characterised by larger open spaces, where ranges between a BS and a
MS or between two MS can be significant. Typical dimensions of such areas could range from 20 m × 20
m up to more than 100m in length and width and up to 20 m in height. Both LOS and NLOS propagation
conditions could exist.
2.3.6 B4 – Outdoor to indoor
In outdoor-to-indoor urban microcell scenario the MS antenna height is assumed to be at 1 – 2 m (plus the
floor height), and the BS antenna height below roof-top, at 5 - 15 m depending on the height of
surrounding buildings (typically over four floors high). Outdoor environment is metropolitan area B1,
typical urban microcell where the user density is typically high, and thus the requirements for system
throughput and spectral efficiency are high. The corresponding indoor environment is A1, typical indoor
small office. It is assumed that the floors 1 to 3 are used in simulations, floor 1 meaning the ground floor.
The parameters of this scenario have been merged with A2 and C4 in table 4-7. We explain the merging
in detail in Part II of the deliverable. The comparison of Outdoor-to-Indoor and Indoor-to-Outdoor
scenario characteristics is presented in [AHHM07] and in [HACK07].
2.3.7 B5 – Stationary Feeder
Fixed feeder links scenario is described in [WIN1D54] and defined as propagation scenario B5. This
scenario has also been partly modelled in [WIN1D54]. In B5, both terminals are fixed. Based on this, the
scenario is divided in four categories or sub-scenarios in [WIN1D54]. These are B5a (LOS stationary
feeder: rooftop to rooftop), B5b (LOS stationary feeder: street level to street level), B5c (LOS stationary
feeder: below rooftop to street level) and B5d (NLOS stationary feeder: rooftop to street level). Height of
street level terminal antenna is assumed to be 3-5 meters. To cover the needs of CG WA one modified
sub-scenario is needed in phase 2, scenario B5f: LOS/NLOS stationary feeder: rooftop-to-below/above
rooftop. All the sub-scenarios will be described below.
In stationary scenarios, the Doppler shifts of the rays are not a function of the AoAs. Instead, they are
obtained from the movement of the scatterers. In B5 we let one scatterer per cluster be in motion while
the others are stationary. In [TPE02] a theoretical model is built where the change of phase of scattered
waves between time t and t+∆t is given by
( ) ( )
coscos4 ∆
is the angle between the direction of scatterer movement and
the direction orthogonal to
the reflecting surface and the reflection angle. By proper selection of these angles different Doppler
spectrums may be achieved. For B5d also an additional term in the path-loss model has to be included.