深入理解Apache Kafka:分布式消息系统的架构与高可用性

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"Apache Kafka设计解析" Apache Kafka是一款由LinkedIn开发并贡献给Apache软件基金会的分布式消息系统,它以其强大的可扩展性和高吞吐量而备受赞誉。Kafka使用Scala编程语言编写,现已被众多开源分布式处理系统如Cloudera、Apache Storm、Spark等集成,成为大数据生态中的关键组件。 在《Apache Kafka设计解析》中,作者深入介绍了Kafka的核心概念和技术细节。首先,文章介绍了Kafka的基本架构,包括其作为下一代分布式消息系统的定位。Kafka的存储机制是其高效性能的基础,通过日志压缩和分片策略实现了大量数据的快速读写。Kafka代理(Brokers)是系统的核心,它们负责接收和转发消息,同时维护主题(Topics)和分区(Partitions)的数据。 ZooKeeper在Kafka中扮演着重要的角色,用于协调集群中的各个组件,确保一致性。Kafka对比其他消息服务,如RabbitMQ和ActiveMQ,展示了其在性能和可扩展性上的优势。作者提供了LinkedIn内部的测试结果,进一步证明了Kafka在大规模生产环境中的表现。 Kafka的使用场景也得到了详细阐述,例如,它可以用于实时流处理、日志聚合、事件源等。文章还讨论了消息生产和消费的模式,包括Producer的消息路由机制和ConsumerGroup的订阅模型。此外,Kafka提供了Push和Pull两种模式,以及可配置的一致性保证,以满足不同业务需求。 高可用性是Kafka的关键特性之一。文中详细解释了为什么Kafka需要复制(Replication)和领导者选举(Leader Election),以及如何通过ZooKeeper实现这些功能。在Broker故障时,Kafka能够快速恢复,保持服务不中断。控制器(Controller)的角色、Topic的创建与删除、以及Follower如何从Leader获取数据等过程都有清晰的描述。 《Apache Kafka设计解析》全面覆盖了Kafka的设计原理和工作流程,对于理解Kafka如何处理大规模数据流和构建可靠的分布式系统具有极大的价值。无论是开发者、架构师还是系统管理员,都能从中获益,更好地理解和运用Kafka这一强大的工具。
2014-03-09 上传
Set up Apache Kafka clusters and develop custom message producers and consumers using practical, hands-on examples Overview Write custom producers and consumers with message partition techniques Integrate Kafka with Apache Hadoop and Storm for use cases such as processing streaming data Provide an overview of Kafka tools and other contributions that work with Kafka in areas such as logging, packaging, and so on In Detail Message publishing is a mechanism of connecting heterogeneous applications together with messages that are routed between them, for example by using a message broker like Apache Kafka. Such solutions deal with real-time volumes of information and route it to multiple consumers without letting information producers know who the final consumers are. Apache Kafka is a practical, hands-on guide providing you with a series of step-by-step practical implementations, which will help you take advantage of the real power behind Kafka, and give you a strong grounding for using it in your publisher-subscriber based architectures. Apache Kafka takes you through a number of clear, practical implementations that will help you to take advantage of the power of Apache Kafka, quickly and painlessly. You will learn everything you need to know for setting up Kafka clusters. This book explains how Kafka basic blocks like producers, brokers, and consumers actually work and fit together. You will then explore additional settings and configuration changes to achieve ever more complex goals. Finally you will learn how Kafka works with other tools like Hadoop, Storm, and so on. You will learn everything you need to know to work with Apache Kafka in the right format, as well as how to leverage its power of handling hundreds of megabytes of messages per second from multiple clients. What you will learn from this book Download and build Kafka Set up single as well as multi-node Kafka clusters and send messages Learn Kafka design internals and message compression Understand how replication works in Kafka Write Kafka message producers and consumers using the Kafka producer API Get an overview of consumer configurations Integrate Kafka with Apache Hadoop and Storm Use Kafka administration tools Approach The book will follow a step-by-step tutorial approach which will show the readers how to use Apache Kafka for messaging from scratch. Who this book is written for Apache Kafka is for readers with software development experience, but no prior exposure to Apache Kafka or similar technologies is assumed. This book is also for enterprise application developers and big data enthusiasts who have worked with other publisher-subscriber based systems and now want to explore Apache Kafka as a futuristic scalable solution. Product Details Paperback: 88 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing (October 17, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1782167935 ISBN-13: 978-1782167938 Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.5 x 0.2 inches
2019-05-07 上传