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The document "麦格理-美股-互联网行业-Q3美国互联网行业预览-23-24页.pdf" provides a comprehensive overview of the Q3 2019 outlook for the United States internet industry. The report, compiled by Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc., includes important disclosures and analyst certifications on page 22, or available on their website www.macquarie.com/research/disclosures. The report is dated 23 October 2019 and is based on data collected from various sources including company data and Macquarie Research. The analysts involved in the report are Benjamin Schachter and Ed Alter, who can be contacted at 1 212 231 0644 and 1 212 231 1272 respectively, or via email at ben.schachter@macquarie.com and ed.alter@macquarie.com. The report highlights a preview of the U.S. Large-Cap Internet industry for the third quarter of 2019, with a particular focus on the top pick, MTCH. The report also suggests that the potential growth of large-cap companies in the industry could be limited by regulatory factors. In conclusion, the report provides valuable insights and analysis of the Q3 2019 outlook for the United States internet industry, offering guidance for potential investment decisions in the sector.