COL 9(4), 042501(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS April 10, 2011
Compact triplexer in two-dimensional hexagonal lattice
photonic crystals
Hongliang Ren (
, Jianping Ma (
, Hao Wen (
, Yali Qin (
Zhefu Wu (
, Weisheng Hu (
, Chun Jiang (
, and Yaohui Jin (
College of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Optical Communication Systems and Networks,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Corresponding author: hlren@zjut.edu.cn
Received October 18, 2010; accepted December 7, 2010; posted online March 15, 2011
We design a compact triplexer based on two-dimensional ( 2D) hexagonal lattice photonic crystals (PCs).
A folded directional coupler (FDC) is introduced in the trip lexer beside the point-defect micro-cavities
and line-defect waveguides. Because of the reflection feedback of the FDC, high channel drop efficiency
can be realized and a compact size with the order of micrometers can be maintained. The proposed device
is analyzed using the plane wave expansion method, and its transmission characteristics are calculated
using the finite-difference time-domain method. The footprint of the triplexer is about 12× 9 µm, and
its ex t inct ion ratios are less than –20 dB for 1310 nm, approximately –20 dB for 1490 nm, and under
–40 dB for 1550 nm, making it a p otentially essential device in future fiber-to-the-home networks.
OCIS codes: 250.5300, 230.5750, 230.7370.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.042501.
The fiber-to- the-home (FTTH) sys tem has been deemed
a promising so lution for broadband access networks,
in which an optical triplexer plays a highly important
. Three wavelength channels are desig ned in the
filter device, i.e., 1310 nm for the up-stream signal, as
well as 1490 and 1550 nm for the down-stream signals
according to ITU G.983 recommendations. Conventional
optical triplexers are currently mo stly fabricated using
a planar lightwave circuit and arrayed waveguide grat-
ing technology
. The former is the most promising
candidate for low-cost devices, and has been developed
commercially. The latter is the most c ommonly used
planar waveguide device in dense and coarse wavele ngth-
division-multiplexing (WDM) communication systems.
These traditional technologies present numerous co n-
siderable advantages, such as high performance, high
reliability, and easy integration.
However, these co nventional devices are disadvanta-
geous in terms of their large size, which is about the order
of millimeters to centimeters. Consequently, it is gradu-
ally becoming unsuitable for the demands of integrated
optoelectronic devices. Based on two-dimensional (2D)
photonic crystals (PCs) with ar tificia l periodic struc-
tures, even smaller devices can be fabricated
. Thus
far, many researchers have designed these devices in
, and the disadvantage presented by the large
device footprint can be overcome, indicating that high
density optical integration can be realized. Using a
point-defect micro-cavity in PCs with a square lattice,
the triplex e rs were engineered with compact sizes and
high efficiency by Shih et al.
Moreover, Park et al.
proposed a triplexer based on the squa re lattice PCs;
these have smaller sizes than that presented by Shih et
Shi et al. also put forward a triplexer by cascad-
ing two stages of directional couplers base d on a PC with
a hexagonal lattice of dielectric rods in air
. Consider-
ing fabrication technology, however, it is easier to ma ke
triplexers base d on hexagonal lattice PCs with the air
holes perfora ted in a high dielectric refr active index slab
compared with the PCs with high dielectric refractive
index rods in air.
Recently, a three-port channel drop filter with a folded
directional co upler (FDC) has been proposed based on
2D PCs; compact sizes and high drop efficiency are
realized through the directional c oupler
. In this let-
ter, a FDC is used to design a new triplexer based on
hexagonal lattice PCs with the air holes perforated in
a high dielectric refractive index slab. In the struc-
ture, the FDC is elaborately engineered to filter a wave-
length signal of 1310 nm with high efficiency using the
Fig. 1. Structure of the proposed triplexer. The radius of the
PC air holes is r = 0.33a, where a is the lattice constant. In
the bus waveguide section b etween the two micro-cavities, the
waveguide propagation constant is changed to meet the p hase
term, and the radius of border air holes in the waveguide sec-
tion is R
= 0.295a.
1671-7694/2011/042501(4) 042501-1
2011 Chinese Optics Letters