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Wireless Electronic Thermometer Design Based on Single Chip Microcomputer - Degree Thesis.doc
Title: Design of Wireless Electronic Thermometer Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Temperature is the most important and basic vital sign of the human body. Monitoring the vital sign parameters of critically ill patients is one of the important means for medical workers to quickly understand the condition of the patients. It is also vital for daily nursing and disease detection. Existing thermometers can be roughly divided into two types: the common glass mercury thermometer and the infrared thermometer. The glass mercury thermometer is cheap but fragile, and it takes a long time to measure the temperature, about 5 minutes, which is inconvenient to use. The infrared thermometer accurately measures the surface temperature of an object by measuring the infrared energy radiated by the object. The infrared sensor it uses only absorbs the infrared radiation from the human body and does not emit any suspicious radiation to the human body. It adopts a passive and non-contact measurement method, so the infrared thermometer will not cause radiation harm to the human body. Compared with the previous methods of temperature measurement, the infrared thermometer has advantages such as fast response time, safe use, and long service life.
The design of the wireless electronic thermometer based on a single-chip microcomputer mainly uses the principle of infrared rays and uses a pyroelectric infrared sensor to collect the infrared rays emitted by the human body. After converting the collected signals to electrical signals, they are sent to the single-chip microcomputer through A/D conversion. The MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer then converts the signals to temperature values and sends them to the LED display. The design also incorporates clock function and over-temperature alarm function. Under the control of software, intelligent temperature measurement and precise temperature measurement are achieved, making the design practical.
Keywords: Electronic thermometer, infrared rays, MCS-51 single-chip microcomputer.
2023-06-28 上传
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