Protel 2004 PCB设计实验:设置规则与DRC检查

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" Protel 2004是一款用于电路板设计的软件,本文主要讲解了如何使用该软件进行PCB图设计,包括执行Design|Rules命令来设置设计规则,确保设计符合安全间距要求。实验内容涉及创建新的PCB文件、设置度量单位、选择板子尺寸、设置层数、过孔类型、元件选项以及设计规则,以及如何更新PCB文档、导入网络表和调整工作区。" 在Protel 2004中,设计规则的设定对于PCB图设计至关重要,尤其是在执行【Design】|【Rules】命令时,我们需要关注安全间距规则。这个规则定义了电路板上不同元素之间的最小允许距离,以避免短路或电气故障。在这个实验课件中,最小安全间距被设定为13mil,而如果两个焊盘边缘之间的距离小于这个值(例如10.63mil),设计规则检查(DRC)就会报错。 为了修正这个问题,可以创建一个新的约束规则,比如将晶体管焊盘的安全间距设置为10mil。这样,在满足新规则的情况下,DRC就不会再报错,确保了设计的可行性。在实际操作中,用户应根据实际需求和元件特性调整这些参数。 在进行PCB设计时,首先需要创建一个新的PCB文件,这可以通过【Files】标签和【PCB Board Wizard】向导完成。在向导中,我们可以设置度量单位(这里选择了英制)、板子尺寸、层数、过孔类型以及各种设计参数,例如最小线宽、最小过孔宽度、最小孔径和最小线间距。完成这些设置后,一个新的PCB文档将被生成。 接着,通过【File】|【SaveAs】命令可以保存并重命名新的PCB文件。在设计过程中,还需要将项目中的原理图信息发送到目标PCB中,这可以通过执行【Design】|【Update PCB Document】命令实现。一旦网络表导入成功,PCB图将反映出原理图的最新状态。 在设计规则的检测阶段,【Engineering Change Order】对话框会显示网络表导入是否合法,以及扫描到的改变。设置PCB工作区涉及到栅格、层和设计规则的调整,例如通过【Tools】|【Preferences】和【Design】|【Board Options】命令,可以定制光标定位、显示选项和栅格设置,以优化设计环境。 Protel 2004提供了一套全面的工具集,使得用户能够精确控制PCB设计的每一个细节,包括设置设计规则以确保电气安全,以及通过一系列步骤创建和管理PCB项目。熟练掌握这些操作,对于成功完成高质量的PCB设计至关重要。

请阅读下面文字并完成这个数据库的ER图 题目背景以及要求 SirenCD is a digital media company that runs several retail stores that sell CDs to customers. In this coursework, you are asked to design a database for SirenCD to help manage the information of artists, albums, media tracks, and media purchases. The final database must be in 3NF and have no M:N relationships. You will also be asked to write a few queries based on your database design. 数据库设计 The retail stores of SirenCD sell many different CD albums. An album can have one or more soundtracks. Each soundtrack has its track name, release date, genre, length and composer. Each album is associated with an artist. Customers can look up information about all artists, such as date of birth, biography and all his/her albums from the website of the company. The company provides a special service that allows customers to make their own CDs by providing a playlist to the company. These playlists can have tracks from different albums. The selection of soundtracks for these playlists are private to customers and are not visible to others. The price of such a customised CD is the sum of the prices of all soundtracks plus 30. Before being able to make purchases, a customer needs to register an account with the help of a retail store staff. The information needed for registration includes name, phone number, membership card number, address (for delivery, when needed) and the staff id who helped with the registration. The information about staff members consists of the staff id, name, the store he works in and the date of joining the store. After purchasing CDs, the customer will receive an invoice with the list of items he/she purchased. The information of invoices should also be stored in the database. You need to decide what to include in your database.

2023-07-25 上传