TLV2544/TLV2548 conversion modes
The TLV2544 and TLV2548 have four different conversion modes (mode 00, 01, 10, 11). The operation of each
mode is slightly different, depending on how the converter performs the sampling and which host interface is
used. The trigger for a conversion can be an active CSTART
(extended sampling), CS (normal sampling, SPI
interface), or FS (normal sampling, TMS320 DSP interface). When FS is used as the trigger, CS
can be held
active, i.e. CS
does not need to be toggled through the trigger sequence. SDI can be one of the channel select
commands, such as SELECT CHANNEL 0. Different types of triggers should not be mixed throughout the repeat
and sweep operations. When CSTART
is used as the trigger, the conversion starts on the rising edge of
. The minimum low time for CSTART is equal to t
. If an active CS or FS is used as the trigger,
the conversion is started after the 16th or 28th SCLK edge. Enough time (for conversion) should be allowed
between consecutive triggers so that no conversion is terminated prematurely.
one shot mode (mode 00)
One shot mode (mode 00) does not use the FIFO, and the EOC is generated as the conversion is in progress
(or INT is generated after the conversion is done).
repeat mode (mode 01)
Repeat mode (mode 01) uses the FIFO. This mode setup requires configuration cycle and channel select cycle.
Once the programmed FIFO threshold is reached, the FIFO must be read, or the data is lost when the sequence
starts over again with the SELECT cycle and series of triggers. No configuration is required except for
reselecting the channel unless the operation mode is changed. This allows the host to set up the converter and
continue monitoring a fixed input and come back to get a set of samples when preferred.
Triggered by CSTART
: The first conversion can be started with a select cycle or CSTART. To do so, the user
can issue CSTART
during the select cycle, immediately after the four-bit channel select command. The first
sample started as soon as the select cycle is finished (i.e., CS
returns to 1). If there is enough time (2 µs) left
between the SELECT cycle and the following CSTART
, a conversion is carried out. In this case, you need one
less trigger to fill the FIFO. Succeeding samples are triggered by CSTART
sweep mode (mode 10)
Sweep mode (mode 10) also uses the FIFO. Once it is programmed in this mode, all of the channels listed in
the selected sweep sequence are visited in sequence. The results are converted and stored in the FIFO. This
sweep sequence may not be completed if the FIFO threshold is reached before the list is completed. This allows
the system designer to change the sweep sequence length. Once the FIFO has reached its programmed
threshold, an interrupt (INT
) is generated. The host must issue a read FIFO command to read and clear the FIFO
before the next sweep can start.
repeat sweep mode (mode 11)
Repeat sweep mode (mode 11) works the same way as mode 10 except the operation has an option to continue
even if the FIFO threshold is reached. Once the FIFO has reached its programmed threshold, an interrupt (INT)
is generated. Then two things may happen:
1. The host may choose to act on it (read the FIFO) or ignore it. If the next cycle is a read FIFO cycle, all of
the data stored in the FIFO is retained until it has been read in order.
2. If the next cycle is not a read FIFO cycle, or another CSTART
is generated, all of the content stored in the
FIFO is cleared before the next conversion result is stored in the FIFO, and the sweep is continued.