GPU Pro 5:高级渲染技术详解

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"《GPU Pro 5 - Advanced Rendering Techniques》是一本由Wolfgang Engel编著的专业级GPU编程和高级渲染技术指南。该书作为GPU Pro系列的第五卷,专为图形开发人员和计算机视觉工程师提供深度剖析,涵盖了DirectX、OpenGL和Shader等领域的最新进展与实践。书中详细介绍了如何利用GPU的强大能力进行高效的图像处理、光线追踪、纹理合成以及实时图形渲染等高级技术。 本书的核心内容包括但不限于以下方面: 1. GPU架构解析:深入探讨GPU的设计原理,帮助读者理解其并行处理能力,以及如何优化图形工作负载。 2. DirectX和OpenGL:讲解这两种广泛使用的图形API,展示了它们在现代游戏开发和图形应用中的关键角色,以及如何编写高效的渲染管线。 3. Shader编程:介绍各种类型的着色器(如顶点、片段、几何和域着色器),以及如何利用它们实现复杂的光照模型和纹理效果。 4. 高级渲染技术:涉及了实时全局光照、阴影贴图、动态模糊、抗锯齿、体积渲染和光线追踪等技术,这些都是提升游戏画质和沉浸感的关键手段。 5. 性能优化:提供了关于内存管理、多线程优化、硬件特性利用和GPU调度的实用建议,帮助开发者解决实际项目中的性能瓶颈。 6. 案例研究:书中包含多个实际项目的剖析,展示了如何将理论知识应用到实际场景中,通过实际代码示例加深理解。 7. 版权信息:强调了版权的重要性,确保所有复制材料的来源已被尊重,并提醒读者在使用过程中注意版权问题。 《GPU Pro 5 - Advanced Rendering Techniques》是GPU编程领域的权威参考书,对于那些希望提升图形处理能力,追求极致游戏体验或从事图形算法研发的专业人士来说,这本书是不可或缺的资源。通过阅读和实践书中的内容,读者将能够更好地理解和利用GPU的潜力,以推动图形技术的创新和发展。"
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The latest edition of this bestselling game development reference offers proven tips and techniques for the real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data that are useful for beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike. Exploring recent developments in the rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering, GPU Pro6: Advanced Rendering Techniques assembles a high-quality collection of cutting-edge techniques for advanced graphics processing unit (GPU) programming. It incorporates contributions from more than 45 experts who cover the latest developments in graphics programming for games and movies. The book covers advanced rendering techniques that run on the DirectX or OpenGL runtimes, as well as on any other runtime with any language available. It details the specific challenges involved in creating games across the most common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, and mobile devices. The book includes coverage of geometry manipulation; rendering techniques, handheld devices programming, effects in image space, shadows, 3D engine design, graphics-related tools, and environmental effects. It also includes a dedicated section on general purpose GPU programming that covers CUDA, DirectCompute, and OpenCL examples. In color throughout, GPU Pro6 presents ready-to-use ideas and procedures that can help solve many of your daily graphics programming challenges. Example programs with downloadable source code are also provided on the book’s CRC Press web page. Table of Contents Part I: Geometry Manipulation Chapter I-1: Dynamic GPU Terrain Chapter I-2: Bandwidth-Efficient Procedural Meshes in the GPU via Tessellation Chapter I-3: Real-Time Deformation of Subdivision Surfaces on Object Collisions Chapter I-4: Realistic Volumetric Explosions in Games Part II: Rendering Chapter II-1: Next-Generation Rendering in Thief Chapter II-2: Grass Rendering and Simulation with LOD Chapter II-3: Hybrid Reconstruction Antialiasing Chapter I