Fig. 1. Illustration of the signal model. is the unattenuated speech signal
received by the
th microphone, and is the attenuation factor. Other nota-
tions are described inside the figure.
first microphone, and as the relative delay between the th
and first microphone.
denotes the attenuation factor which
ranges in
. As only the speech signal which is related to the
DOA of speech source is of our interest, we ignore the details
of the interference signal received by the
th microphone, and
simply represent the interference signal as
. In addition,
stands for the additive zero-mean white Gaussian
,then ,and
. Consequently, can be rewritten as:
The time delay
is closely related to the geometry of the mi-
crophone array and real speech DOA
. If the array geometry
is fixed,
depends only on ,thenweuse to denote
the dependency. The mathematical formulation of
can be
well defined by geometrical computations. For example, a typ-
ical type of microphone array is the “uniform linear microphone
array (ULA),” in which the array elements are equispaced, and
in such case, we have:
is the speed of sound in the air, is the sampling rate,
is the spacing between two adjacent microphones.
A. Definitions and Properties of Bispectrum
In signal processing, one common way to describe the statis-
tical properties of stochastic processes is to use the measures of
second-order statistics, which generally include the auto-corre-
lation, cross-correlation, and the corresponding power spectrum
and cross-power spectrum. While the second-order statistics
are widely used in various fields of signal processing, these
measures only provide partial descriptions of the statistical
properties of stochastic processes [35]. Therefore, the princi-
ples of correlations and power spectra have been extended to
orders greater than two, and the concepts of HOS of stochastic
processes are then introduced [36]–[38]. HOS generally in-
clude the higher-order moment, higher-order cumulant and the
corresponding higher-order spectrum of stochastic processes.
The “bispectrum,” which is defined in the order of three, is the
simplest higher-order spectrum. In the literature, for stationary
stochastic signals, analog to the definition of power spectrum,
the bispectrum is defined as the 2-D Discrete Fourier Trans-
form (DFT) of the third-order cumulant of these stochastic
signals [39].
Now let us consider the bispectrum
of three zero-mean
stationary stochastic signals, which are denoted as
and . For zero-mean processes, the third-order cumulant
is identical to the third-order moment, then the bispectrum
of is defined with the following
and are angular bi-frequency variables,
is the imaginary unit, and is the third-order mo-
ment of
, which is defined depending on two in-
dependent lags
and :
where “
” is the expectation operator.
The bispectrum can also be defined from another perspective
in terms of the signals' DFT. Let
and denote
the DFTs of
and , receptively. The bispectrum
is defined as:
It can be derived that the definitions in (4) and (6) are
equivalent [39].
By definition, the bispectrum is a function of two bi-fre-
quency variables
and , and it analyzes the frequency
interactions between the frequency components at
where one frequency equals to the sum of the other
two. In [35], [39], [40], the properties of bispectrum (and other
HOS) have been discussed in great detail. Here, we simply
present two properties which will be useful for the analysis in
the following paper.
1) Property 1: If the probability density functions (PDFs)
of the zero-mean random processes
and are
all symmetrically distributed, then the third-order cumulant
equals to zero. According to (4), the bispectrum
also equals to zero.
The zero-mean Gaussian process is a typical kind of process
with symmetric PDF, then the bispectrum of zero-mean
In some literature, the authors call the definition in (4) as “cross-bispectrum,”
and the term “bispectrum” is used only when
are identical to
each other. In this paper, we view the “cross-bispectrum” as the generalized
definition of “bispectrum,” and for the sake of simplicity, we generally call
defined in (4) as “bispectrum” unless mentioned.