C++编程实战:Unreal Engine 4.x游戏扩展指南

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《Unreal Engine 4.x Scripting with C++ Cookbook 第二版》是一本专为熟悉游戏设计基础和C++编程的游戏玩家开发者量身打造的指南。本书深入讲解如何将原生代码融入由Unreal Engine 4.x构建的游戏项目中,旨在帮助读者扩展和增强游戏的功能与性能。 该书的主要内容包括但不限于以下几个方面: 1. **C++在Unreal Engine中的应用**:作者详细介绍了如何利用C++语言进行高效的游戏逻辑编写,包括类的设计、对象的交互、内存管理以及多线程处理等技术。这对于理解引擎底层工作原理和提升代码性能至关重要。 2. **模块化编程与插件开发**:书中涵盖如何创建和管理自定义模块,以便在游戏中灵活添加功能,同时介绍了如何创建和使用Unreal Engine插件,以实现更加丰富的游戏特性。 3. **图形渲染和AI编程**:C++在Unreal Engine中的图形渲染API(如DirectX或OpenGL)和人工智能(AI)系统的应用也是本书的重点,包括光照、纹理、粒子系统以及行为树的编写。 4. **调试与性能优化**:书中还提供了调试技巧和性能调优策略,帮助开发者识别并解决游戏中可能出现的性能瓶颈,确保游戏的流畅运行。 5. **实战项目案例**:读者可以跟随书中提供的实例学习,通过实际操作掌握C++在Unreal Engine中的应用,提升解决问题和项目实施的能力。 6. **版权和许可信息**:在阅读过程中请注意,未经出版商Packt Publishing事先书面许可,不得复制、存储或以任何形式或方式传播书中的任何部分,除非用于嵌入在批评文章或评论中。 7. **作者和编辑团队**:这本书由Larissa Pinto担任获取编辑,Arun Nadar负责内容开发,Rutuja Vaze提供技术支持,Safis Editing负责校对,而Kinjal担任项目协调员,他们共同确保了书籍内容的专业性和准确性。 《Unreal Engine 4.x Scripting with C++ Cookbook 第二版》是一本实用的工具书,适合希望在Unreal Engine 4.x平台上利用C++进行深度开发的开发者,无论是提升现有项目还是探索新的技术可能性,都能从中获益良多。通过本书,读者可以深化对C++和游戏引擎的理解,并掌握将其有效结合的关键技能。
2016-10-27 上传
Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook 2016 | ISBN-10: 1785885545 | 431 pages | PDF | 7 MB Key Features A straightforward and easy-to-follow format A selection of the most important tasks and problems Carefully organized instructions to solve problems efficiently Clear explanations of what you did Solutions that can be applied to solve real-world problems Book Description Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. With more than 100 practical recipes, this book is a guide showcasing techniques to use the power of C++ scripting while developing games with UE4. It will start with adding and editing C++ classes from within the Unreal Editor. It will delve into one of Unreal's primary strengths, the ability for designers to customize programmer-developed actors and components. It will help you understand the benefits of when and how to use C++ as the scripting tool. With a blend of task-oriented recipes, this book will provide actionable information about scripting games with UE4, and manipulating the game and the development environment using C++. Towards the end of the book, you will be empowered to become a top-notch developer with Unreal Engine 4 using C++ as the scripting language. What you will learn Build function libraries (Blueprints) containing reusable code to reduce upkeep Move low-level functions from Blueprint into C++ to improve performance Abstract away complex implementation details to simplify designer workflows Incorporate existing libraries into your game to add extra functionality such as hardware integration Implement AI tasks and behaviors in Blueprints and C++ Generate data to control the appearance and content of UI elements