The number beside each vertex in this small network indicates the vertex’s degree.
In undirected networks degree is just a single number, but in directed networks vertices have
two different degrees, in-degree and out-degree, corresponding to the number of edges pointing
inward to and outward from those vertices. For example, the in-degree of a web page is the
number of other pages that link to it and the out-degree is the number of pages to which it links.
We have already mentioned one example of how centrality can be put to use on the Web to answer
an important practical question: by counting the number of links a web page gets—the in-degree of
the page—we (or a search engine operating on our behalf) can make a guess about which pages are
most likely to contain information that might be of use to us.
It is an interesting observation that many networks are found to contain a small but significant
number of “hubs”—vertices with unusually high degree. Social networks often contain a few
central individuals with very many acquaintances; there are a few websites with an extraordinarily
large number of links; there are a few metabolites that take part in almost all metabolic processes.
A major topic of research in recent years has been the investigation of the effects of hubs on the
performance and behavior of networked systems. Both empirical and theoretical results indicate
that hubs can have a quite disproportionate effect, playing a central role particularly in network
transport phenomena and resilience, despite being few in number.
Hubs are discussed further in Section 8.3.
Another example of a network concept that arises repeatedly and has real practical implications
is the so-called small-world effect. One can define a distance, called the geodesic distance,
between two vertices in a network to be the minimum number of edges one would have to traverse
in order to get from one vertex to the other. For instance, two friends would have geodesic distance
1 in a friendship network because there is a single edge connecting them directly, while the friend
of your friend would have distance 2 from you. As discussed in Sections 3.6 and 8.2, it is found
empirically (and can be proven mathematically in some cases) that the mean geodesic distance,
appropriately defined,
between vertex pairs is very short, typically increasing only as the
logarithm of the number of vertices in the network. Although first studied in the context of
friendship networks, this small-world effect appears to be very widespread, occurring in essentially
all types of networks. In popular culture it is referred to as the “six degrees of separation,” after a
successful stage play and film of the same name. The semi-mythological claim is that you can get
from anyone in the world to anyone else via a sequence of no more than five intermediate
acquaintances—six steps in all.
The small-world effect can have interesting repercussions. For example, news and gossip spread
over social networks. If you hear an interesting rumor from a friend, you may pass it on to your
other friends, and they in turn pass it on to theirs, and so forth. Clearly the rumor will spread
further and faster if it only takes six steps to reach anyone in the world than if it takes a hundred, or
a million. It is a matter of common experience that indeed a suitably scandalous rumor can reach
the ears of an entire community in what seems like the blink of an eye, and the structure of social
networks has a lot to do with it.
And consider the Internet. One of the reasons the Internet functions at all is because any
computer on the network is only a few “hops” over optical and other data lines from any other. In
practice the paths taken by packets over the Internet are typically in the range of about ten to
twenty hops long. Certainly the performance of the network would be much worse if packets had
to make a thousand hops instead.
A third example of a network concept of practical importance is provided by clusters or
communities in networks. We are most of us familiar with the idea that social networks break up
into subcommunities—tightly knit groups of friends or acquaintances within the larger, looser
network. Friendship networks, for instance, tend to contain cliques, circles, and gangs of friends
within which connections are strong and frequent but between which they are weaker or rarer. The