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《Effective Modern C++:改善C++11和C++14的42个具体做法(影印版)(英文版)》是一本深入解析现代C++编程实践的指南。本书涵盖了众多关键主题,旨在帮助开发者提升代码质量、效率和可读性。以下是一些主要知识点的概要: 1. **花括号初始化**:章节中讨论了C++11和C++14引入的花括号初始化语法,它简化了对象的构造,提高了代码的可读性和一致性。 2. **noexcept规范**:这部分讲解了如何正确使用noexcept关键字来告知编译器函数在正常情况下不会抛出异常,这对于异常处理和性能优化至关重要。 3. **完美转发**:介绍了完美转发技术,它允许函数模板更高效地处理各种类型参数,尤其是在函数对象和通用编程中。 4. **智能指针的make函数**:分析了智能指针如`std::unique_ptr`和`std::shared_ptr`的make函数,探讨了它们的优点和使用场景,以及何时选择哪种类型。 5. **移动语义和转发**:深入解析了`std::move`和`std::forward`,这两个操作符在处理值传递和避免拷贝构造/赋值中的作用,以及与rvalue引用和全局引用的关系。 6. **lambda表达式**:提供编写高效、清晰且正确的lambda函数的技巧,这对于函数式编程和现代C++中的高阶函数非常重要。 7. **std::atomic和volatile**:对比这两个关键字,解释了它们的区别,何时使用原子操作(std::atomic)以确保多线程环境下的数据一致性,以及volatile用于表示可能被硬件改变的值。 8. **与C++并行计算API的整合**:讨论了这些概念如何与C++的并行库如OpenMP或C++17的std::thread和std::future协作,以利用多核处理器。 9. **向现代C++规范迁移**:针对C++98等旧版本的编码实践,提供了如何逐步转换到现代C++11/14/17标准的实用建议,以适应新的语言特性和最佳实践。 10. **示例和应用实例**:书中包含丰富的代码示例,展示了如何将这些理论知识应用到实际项目中,帮助读者理解和掌握。 通过阅读这本书的学习笔记,读者可以深化对现代C++的理解,提高编码技能,并能够编写出更加高效、安全和可维护的C++程序。
2018-04-27 上传
If you’re an experienced C++ programmer and are anything like me, you initially approached C++11 thinking, “Yes, yes, I get it. It’s C++, only more so.” But as you learned more, you were surprised by the scope of the changes. auto declarations, range-based for loops, lambda expressions, and rvalue references change the face of C++, to say nothing of the new concurrency features. And then there are the idiomatic changes. 0 and typedefs are out, nullptr and alias declarations are in. Enums should now be scoped. Smart pointers are now preferable to built-in ones. Moving objects is normally better than copying them. There’s a lot to learn about C++11, not to mention C++14. More importantly, there’s a lot to learn about making effective use of the new capabilities. If you need basic information about “modern” C++ features, resources abound, but if you’re looking for guidance on how to employ the features to create software that’s correct, efficient, maintainable, and portable, the search is more challenging. That’s where this book comes in. It’s devoted not to describing the features of C++11 and C++14, but instead to their effective application. The information in the book is broken into guidelines called Items. Want to understand the various forms of type deduction? Or know when (and when not) to use auto declarations? Are you interested in why const member functions should be thread safe, how to implement the Pimpl Idiom using std::unique_ptr, why you should avoid default capture modes in lambda expressions, or the differences between std::atomic and volatile? The answers are all here. Furthermore, they’re platform-independent, Standards-conformant answers. This is a book about portable C++.