
0 下载量 16 浏览量 更新于2024-03-02 2 收藏 442KB DOC 举报
Electronic mosquito dispeller is a modern and environmentally friendly product designed to address the nuisance of mosquito bites during the summer months. Traditional mosquito repellent methods, such as burning mosquito coils, may effectively kill mosquitoes but also emit harmful smoke that can cause respiratory issues and pollute indoor air quality. In contrast, the electronic mosquito dispeller utilizes technology to repel and eliminate mosquitoes without generating harmful smoke or chemicals. The electronic mosquito dispeller is easy to use and provides a simple and convenient solution to the problem of mosquito infestation. By emitting certain frequencies or using other methods of technology, the device effectively deters mosquitoes from entering a specific area or eliminates them without harming the environment or human health. This makes it a safer and more sustainable alternative to traditional mosquito repellents. The key benefits of the electronic mosquito dispeller include its ability to protect human health by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals and smoke, its environmentally friendly design, and its organic and green characteristics. By using electronic means to repel mosquitoes, this device offers a safer and more effective solution to controlling mosquito populations and preventing bites. In conclusion, the design and implementation of the electronic mosquito dispeller provide an innovative and sustainable approach to addressing the issue of mosquito infestation. By harnessing technology to repel mosquitoes without harmful chemicals or smoke, this device offers a safe, convenient, and environmentally friendly solution for protecting human health and well-being during the summer months.
144 浏览量
迷你电子驱蚊器设计电路 经过上周的讨论,我们小组将迷你电子驱蚊器的总体设计方案定好了,下面是我初 步的设计电路。 电路设计原理 电路板图及电源理图分别见附图1.2电路没有采用变压器,而是利用电容和二极管 特殊电路板图及电源理图分别见附图I, II}电路没有采用I变压器,而是利用电容和二极管特殊性质升压,D5~D9及C2~C5构成倍 压电路,把电压升高到1000V以上输出,高压电网可以用两根平行并绕的金属裸线构成, 共终端呈开放状态,两线间即约4mm,当蚊子触及电网时.电流就会从蚊体急速流过,使 蚊子瞬问被烧焦用运放741和电容、电阻和直流电源组成占比可调电路,再用继电器与之 结合对高压电源进展控制。 电路图及工作原理 电路原理图如下列图。它由紫外灯管发光电路、高压直流发生器、高压圆形电网等组成 。紫外灯管发光电路由紫外灯管 H 和电容 C1 组成,直流高压发生器由二极管 D1 、 D2 ,电位器 W 、电阻 R1 、 R2 、电容 C2 。单向晶闸管 SCR 、脉冲变压器 T 及限流电阻 R3 等组成。 当电源接通 220V 交流电时.紫外灯管 H 即点亮。其波长约 253.7nm 。利用蚊虫趋光性引诱蚊虫。当蚊虫扑向紫外灯管时,必然先触及到圆形高压电网,结 果受电击而死。 图 1 电路接通电源后.电源正半周由二极管 D1 整流后,通过降压限流电阻 R1 、 R2 和电位器 W ,分别向单向晶闸管 SCR 的阳极与控制极提供正电压。调整电位器 W ,使该通路电压到达控制极的触发电压时,单向晶闸管 SCR 便导通,电容 C2 通过脉冲变压器 T 的初级线圈和单向晶闸管 SCR 放电, C2 的容量越大,脉冲变压器 T 的次级线圈感应的电压越高。当电源电压从正变到零时,单向晶闸管 SCR 因流过的电流小于维持电流而关断。之后,单向晶闸管 SCR 就承受电源的反向电压。直到下一个周期触发脉冲再次加到控制极上时重新导通。改变 电位器 W 的值.就改变了导通角的大小。即能改变输出电压的上下。由于单向晶闸管 SCR 的频繁导通和截止。形成高频振荡,在脉冲变压器 T 的次级线圈上感应出 10000V 到 15000V 的高压.经高压硅堆 D2 整流,就在圆形电网上形成直流电击高压。电路图如下: 元器件的选择 脉冲变压器 T 可选用 12~14 英寸黑白电视的行输出变压器。紫外灯管 H 的功率可选用 3W 。高压圆形电网需自制,电网可选用φ 0.5mm 左右铁丝在塑料骨架上隔离绕制而成,如图 2 所示。注意两根铁丝 A 、 B 不能有任何接触.否那么会造成短路,两者之间的间隔 以 2mm 较为适宜。晶体管VT选用2N5609型硅NPN中功率三极管,亦可用8050、9013型等常用三极 管代替。VD1用φ3mm红色发光二极管,VD2~VD4用1N4007型硅整流二极管。R1~R3均用R TX-1/8W型碳膜电阻器。C1~C3一律用CL11- 630V型涤纶电容器,SB用6mm×6mm立式微型轻触开关。G用5号干电池两节串联〔配塑料电 池架〕而成,电压3V。   高频变压器T须自制:选用2E19型铁氧体磁芯及配套塑料骨架,L1用φ漆包线绕22匝 ,L2用同号线绕8匝,L3用φ0.08mm漆包线绕匝左右。注意图中黑点为同名端,头尾顺序 绕,绕组间垫一、二层薄绝缘纸。 元器件清单及造价 " 序号 " 名称 " 大小 " 数量 "价格 " "1 " 运放 " "1 " " "2 "直流电源"+15V "1 " " "3 "直流电源"-15V "1 " " "4 "交流电源"220V "1 " " "5 "继电器 " "1 " " "6 "电阻 "5K "1 " " "7 "电阻 "3K "1 " " "8 "电阻 " "1 " " "9 "电阻 "2K "1 " " "10 "电位器 "150K "1 " " "11 "二极管 " "14 " " "12 "电容 "3uf "1 " " "13 "开关 " "1 " " "14 "万用表 " "1 " " "15 "灯管 "100w "1 " " "16 "示波器 " "1 " " ----------------------- 迷你电子驱蚊器设计电路全文共4页,当前为第1页。 迷你电子驱蚊器设计电路全文共4页,当前为第2页。 迷你电子驱蚊器设计电路全文共4页,当前为第3页。 迷你电子驱蚊器设计电路全文共4页,当前为第4页。