SAS ODS 使用教程:成功步骤与技巧

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"Steps to Success with the SAS Output Delivery System A H Karp" 是一份由A. H. Karp编写的PPT,详细介绍了SAS ODS(输出交付系统)的使用方法和各种实用案例。这份文档主要关注如何利用ODS有效地管理和定制SAS分析的输出结果,包括整合多个分析输出、PROC REPORT的PDF样式设置、图形插入以及导出为CSV格式等。 SAS ODS是一个强大的工具,它允许用户自定义和控制SAS程序的输出。在SAS系统软件中,ODS扮演着关键角色,它负责处理程序步骤与输出之间的关系。ODS的主要功能包括: 1. **ODS OUTPUT**:这一部分主要讲解了如何通过ODS OUTPUT将不同分析的输出结果整合到一起,方便用户集中查看和管理。这对于需要对比多个模型或分析结果的情况非常有用。 2. **PROC REPORT的PDF目标和ODS Style**:Karp的PPT详细介绍了如何设置PROC REPORT的ODS样式,以改变PDF输出的视觉效果。这包括标题格式的设定,使得输出报告更具专业性;单元格交替变色,有助于快速区分和阅读数据;以及根据不同数据值应用不同的颜色,增强数据可视性。 3. **图形插入**:ODS支持插入和定制各种图形,使得报告更加生动和直观。用户可以自定义图形的颜色、大小、标签等属性,以适应特定的报告需求。 4. **输出到CSV格式**:ODS还提供了将SAS输出转换为通用的CSV格式的功能,这使得数据可以轻松地被其他应用程序(如Excel或数据分析工具)读取和进一步处理。 5. **提高效率**:整个PPT强调了ODS如何帮助用户更快、更便捷地完成工作,通过自动化和定制化,使得数据分析和报告制作过程更加高效。 6. **关键概念和能力**:教程开始部分介绍了ODS的基本原理,包括ODS的工作机制以及与SAS程序步骤的交互方式,帮助用户理解ODS的数据组件、表模板和风格技术。 这份资料是SAS用户提升ODS使用技巧的宝贵资源,无论是初学者还是经验丰富的用户,都能从中获益,更好地利用ODS来优化他们的工作流程。

(a) We can model this problem as a bipartite graph where one set of vertices represents the customers and the other set represents the representatives. We draw an edge between a customer and a representative only if the representative is qualified to serve that customer. Then, we can use the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm to find a maximum matching in this bipartite graph. If the size of the maximum matching is n, then all customers can be served simultaneously by a qualified representative. We can assign each customer the representative they are matched with. (b) To check whether a representative r can serve the VIP customer while the other n-1 customers can be served by qualified representatives, we first remove all edges incident to r from the bipartite graph. Then, we check whether the remaining subgraph has a matching that covers all customers except the VIP customer. If such a matching exists, then r can serve the VIP customer while the other n-1 customers can be served by qualified representatives. Otherwise, r cannot serve the VIP customer without affecting the capacity to serve the other customers. To implement this algorithm, we can modify the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm as follows. We start by removing all edges incident to r and finding a maximum matching in the remaining subgraph. If the size of the maximum matching is less than n-1, then r cannot serve the VIP customer. Otherwise, we add the VIP customer to the matching and check whether the resulting matching covers all customers. If it does, then r can serve the VIP customer while the other n-1 customers can be served by qualified representatives. Otherwise, r cannot serve the VIP customer without affecting the capacity to serve the other customers. The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n^3), since we need to run the Hopcroft-Karp algorithm twice, once on the original bipartite graph and once on the subgraph with edges incident to r removed.翻译

2023-05-22 上传