"Landsat 8-9卫星传感器数据详细介绍英文原版"
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The LSDS-1822 Landsat 8-9 Operational Land Imager (OLI) - Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Collection 2 Level 1 (L1) Data Format Control Book (DFCB) Version 6.0 provides detailed information on the Landsat 8-9 satellite sensors and data. This document, approved by Chris Engebretson, covers the technical specifications, data format, and control procedures for acquiring and processing Landsat 8-9 data.
The Landsat 8-9 satellite sensors consist of the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS). These sensors are designed to capture high-quality multispectral imagery of the Earth's surface, enabling a wide range of applications in agriculture, forestry, land use, and environmental monitoring. The data collected by Landsat 8-9 is used by researchers, scientists, and government agencies to study changes in the Earth's landscape over time.
The Collection 2 Level 1 (L1) data format specified in the DFCB Version 6.0 provides a standardized format for organizing and storing Landsat 8-9 data. This format includes information on image geometry, radiometric calibration, and metadata, ensuring that the data can be easily accessed, processed, and analyzed. The DFCB outlines the procedures for acquiring, processing, and validating Landsat 8-9 data, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the information provided.
Overall, the LSDS-1822 document serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding and working with Landsat 8-9 data. With its detailed specifications and procedures, it enables users to make the most of this valuable resource for studying the Earth's changing landscape and environment. By following the guidelines outlined in this document, researchers and scientists can leverage Landsat 8-9 data to advance their understanding of the planet and address critical environmental challenges.
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