多功能单片学习机的NAND FLASH驱动设计研究:软硬件设计与应用扩展

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The design of NAND FLASH driver based on a Multifunction SCM learning machine is a comprehensive research paper that explores the integration of NAND FLASH memory with a multifunctional single-chip learning machine. The paper is divided into two main parts: the multifunctional single-chip learning machine and the NAND FLASH memory storage. The first part of the paper introduces the software and hardware design of the multifunctional single-chip learning machine. This learning machine utilizes an automatic program switching circuit, allowing the same single-chip to run both system programs and user programs, enabling online downloading of program codes. The learning machine is equipped with a variety of external hardware resources, providing a rich set of system hardware resources for various practical application circuits. The universal expansion interface makes it easy to simulate external application circuits and expand user application circuits. The second part of the paper focuses on the software and hardware design of the NAND FLASH extension board. The multifunctional single-chip learning machine is used to implement the read and write timing sequences of the NAND FLASH memory. This integration allows for efficient data storage and retrieval processes using the NAND FLASH memory. Overall, the research presented in this paper showcases the seamless integration of NAND FLASH memory with a multifunctional single-chip learning machine, enabling enhanced functionality and performance in various application scenarios. Key words: multifunctional single-chip learning machine, automatic switching circuit, NAND FLASH.