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In "The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels," Harvard Business School Publishing provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the crucial transition period that occurs when taking on a new leadership role. Author Michael Watkins asserts that succeeding in the first 90 days is a teachable skill, and offers a standard framework for leadership transitions based on fundamental propositions, key challenges, and a typology of situations new managers may find themselves in.
Watkins provides practical steps for new leaders to take in order to effectively transition into their new roles, including self-assessment checklists, planning exercises, and guidelines for initiating necessary changes within their teams. The book emphasizes the importance of having meaningful conversations with both subordinates and superiors in order to establish trust and communicate effectively.
Overall, "The First 90 Days" serves as a valuable resource for leaders at all levels, providing critical insights and strategies for successfully navigating the challenging transition period and setting the foundation for long-term success in their new roles. With its combination of theoretical frameworks and actionable steps, the book equips new leaders with the tools necessary to thrive in their new positions and drive positive change within their organizations.
2020-12-17 上传
- 粉丝: 1
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