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首页Eva Tardos与Jon Kleinberg的算法设计扫描版
"Algorithm design",这是一本由Eva Tardos和Jon Kleinberg合著的算法设计书籍的扫描PDF版本。尽管清晰度不是很高,但仍然可读。
《Algorithm Design》是由Eva Tardos和Jon Kleinberg两位在算法领域有着深厚造诣的专家共同编写的经典教材。这本书深入浅出地介绍了算法设计的基本概念、策略和方法,旨在帮助读者掌握如何分析和构造高效的计算解决方案。
近似算法是处理NP-hard问题时不可或缺的方法。《Algorithm Design》详尽探讨了如何设计和分析近似算法,以在有限时间内找到接近最优解的方案。这包括了多项式时间的近似算法和局部搜索策略。
这本书不仅适合计算机科学专业的学生,也对从事软件开发、数据科学、机器学习等领域工作的专业人士大有裨益。通过学习《Algorithm Design》,读者不仅可以掌握算法设计的基本技能,还能培养出解决复杂问题的系统性思维。
《Algorithm Design》是一本值得深入研究的算法经典,它将理论与实践紧密结合,为读者提供了丰富的算法设计和分析的知识,无论对于学术研究还是实际应用都有着重要的指导价值。虽然提供的PDF版本清晰度不高,但仍然不妨碍其作为宝贵的教育资源。
Chapter 1 Introduction: Some Representative Problems
1.1 A First Problem: Stable Matching
oman w will become~
ngaged to m if she
refers him to rat
Figure 1.2 An intermediate
state of the G-S algorithm
when a free man ra is propos-
ing to a woman w.
dangerous for w to reject m right away; she may never receive a proposal
from someone she ranks as highly as m. So a natural idea would be to
have the pair
(m, w)
enter an intermediate
Suppose we are now at a state in which some men and women are/Tee--
not engaged--and some are engaged. The next step could look like this.
An arbitrary flee man m chooses the highest-ranked woman w to whom
he has not yet proposed, and he proposes to her. If w is also free, then m
and w become engaged. Otherwise, w is already engaged to some other
man m’. In this case, she determines which of m or m’ ranks higher
on her preference list; this man becomes engaged to w and the other
becomes flee,
Finally, the algorithm wil! terminate when no one is free; at this moment,
all engagements are declared final, and the resulting perfect matchdng is
Here is a concrete description of the
Gale-Shapley algorithm, with
ure 1.2 depicting a state of the algorithm.
Initially all m E M and w E W are free
While there is a man m who is free and hasn’t proposed to
every woman
Choose such a man m
Let w be the highest-ranked woman in m’s preference list
to whom m has not yet proposed
If ~ is free then
(m, ~) become engaged
Else ~ is currently engaged to m’
If ~ prefers m’ to m then
m remains free
Else w prefers m to m’
(m,~) become engaged
becomes free
Return the set S of engaged pairs
An intriguing thing is that, although the G-S algorithm is quite simple
to state, it is not immediately obvious that it returns a stable matching, or
even a perfect matching. We proceed to prove this now, through a sequence
of intermediate facts.
~ Analyzing the Algorithm
First consider the view of a woman w during the execution of the algorithm.
For a while, no one has proposed to her, and she is free. Then a man m may
propose to her, and she becomes engaged. As time goes on, she may receive
additional proposals, accepting those that increase the rank of her partner. So
we discover the following.
w remains engaged /Tom the point at which she receives her first
proposal; and the sequence of partners to which she is engaged gets better and
better (in terms of her preference list).
The view of a man m during the execution of the algorithm is rather
different. He is free until he proposes to the highest-ranked woman on his
list; at this point he may or may not become engaged. As time goes on, he
may alternate between being free and being engaged; however, the following
property does hold.
The sequence of women to whom m proposes gets worse and worse (in
terms of his preference list).
Now we show that the algorithm terminates, and give a bound on the
maximum number of iterations needed for termination.
The G-S algorithm terminates after at most n
iterations of the
Proof. A useful strategy for upper-bounding the running time of an algorithm,
as we are trying to do here, is to find a measure of
Namely, we seek
some precise way of saying that each step taken by the algorithm brings it
closer to termination.
In the case of the present algorithm, each iteration consists of some man
proposing (for the only time) to a woman he has never proposed to before. So
if we let ~P(t) denote the set of pairs
(m, w)
such that m has proposed to w by
the end of iteration
we see that for all
t, the
size of ~P(t + 1) is strictly greater
than the size of ~P(t). But there are only n
possible pairs of men and women
in total, so the value of ~P(.) can increase at most n
times over the course of
the algorithm. It follows that there can be at most n
iterations. []
Two points are worth noting about the previous fact and its proof. First,
there are executions of the algorithm (with certain preference lists) that can
involve close to n
iterations, so this analysis is not far from the best possible.
Second, there are many quantities that would not have worked well as a
progress measure
for the algorithm, since they need not strictly increase in each
Chapter 1 Introduction: Some Representative Problems
1.1 A First Problem: Stable Matching
iteration. For example, the number of free individuals could remain constant
from one iteration to the next, as could the number of engaged pairs. Thus,
these quantities could not be used directly in giving an upper bound on the
maximum possible number of.iterations, in the style of the previous paragraph.
Let us now establish that the set S returned at the termination of the
algorithm is in fact a perfect matching. Why is this not immediately obvious?
Essentially, we have to show that no man can
off" the end of his preference
list; the only way for the ~’h±].e loop to exit is for there to be no flee man. In
this case, the set of engaged couples would indeed be a perfect matching.
So the main thing we need to show is the following.
If m is free at some point in the execution of the algorithm, then there
is a woman to whom he has not yet proposed.
Proof. Suppose there comes a point when m is flee but has already proposed
to every woman. Then by (1.1), each of the n women is engaged at this point
in time. Since the set of engaged pairs forms a matching, there must also be
n engaged men at this point in time. But there are only n men total, and m is
not engaged, so this is a contradiction.
The set S returned at termination is a peryect matching.
Proof. The set of engaged pairs always forms a matching. Let us suppose that
the algorithm terminates with a flee man m. At termination, it must be the
case that m had already proposed to every woman, for otherwise the ~qhile
loop would not have exited. But this contradicts (1.4), which says that there
cannot be a flee man who has proposed to every woman.
Finally, we prove the main property of the algorithm--namely, that it
results in a stable matching.
Consider an executionof the G-S algorithm that returns a set of pairs
S. The set S is a stable matching.
Proof. We have already seen, in (1.5), that S is a perfect matching. Thus, to
prove S is a stable matching, we will assume that there is an instability with
respect to S and obtain a contradiction. As defined earlier, such an instability
would involve two pairs,
(m, w)
and (m’, w’), in S with the properties that
o m prefers w’ to w, and
o w’ prefers m to mL
In the execution of the algorithm that produced S, m’s last proposal was, by
definition, to w. Now we ask: Did m propose to w’ at some earlier point in
this execution? If he didn’t, then w must occur higher on
than w’,
contxadicting our assumption that m prefers w’ to w. If he did, then
he was rejected by w’ in favor of some other man
whom w’ prefers to m.
is the final partner of
so either m" = m’ or, by (1.!), w’ prefers her final
partner m
to m"; either way this contradicts our assumption that w’ prefers
m to m
It follows that S is a stable matching. []
We began by defining the notion of a stable matching; we have just proven
that the G-S algorithm actually constructs one. We now consider some further
questions about the behavior of the G-S algorithm and its relation to the
properties of different stable matchings.
To begin wit_h, recall that we saw an example earlier in which there could
be multiple stable matchings. To recap, the preference lists in this example
were as follows:
prefers w to w’.
prefers w’ to w.
prefers m
to m.
prefers m to m’.
Now, in any execution of the Gale-Shapley algorithm, m will become engaged
w, m’ will become engaged to w’ (perhaps in the other order), and things
will stop there. Thus, the
stable matching, consisting of the pairs
(m’, w)
(m, w’),
is not attainable from an execution of the G-S algorithm in which
the men propose. On the other hand, it would be reached if we ran a version of
the algorithm in which the women propose. And in larger examples, with more
than two people on each side, we can have an even larger collection of possible
stable matchings, many of them not achievable by any natural algorithm.
This example shows a certain "unfairness" in the G-S algorithm, favoring
men. If the men’s preferences mesh perfectly (they all list different women as
their first choice), then in all runs of the G-S algorithm all men end up matched
with their first choice, independent of the preferences of the women. If the
women’s preferences clash completely with the men’s preferences (as was the
case in this example), then the resulting stable matching is as bad as possible
for the women. So this simple set of preference lists compactly summarizes a
world in which
is destined to end up unhappy: women are unhappy
if men propose, and men are unhappy if women propose.
Let’s now analyze the G-S algorithm in more detail and try to understand
how general this "unfairness" phenomenon is.
Chapter 1 Introduction: Some Representative Problems
To begin With, our example reinforces the point that the G-S algorithm
is actually underspecified: as long as there is a free man, we are allowed to
choose any flee man to make the next proposal. Different choices specify
different executions of the algprithm; this is why, to be careful, we stated (1.6)
as "Consider an execution of the G-S algorithm that returns a set of pairs
instead of "Consider the set S returned by the G-S algorithm."
Thus, we encounter another very natural question: Do all executions of
the G-S algorithm yield the same matching? This is a genre of question that
arises in many settings in computer science: we have an algorithm that runs
with different independent components performing actions
that can be interleaved in complex ways, and we want to know how much
variability this asynchrony causes in the final outcome. To consider a very
different kind of example, the independent components may not be men and
women but electronic components activating parts of an airplane wing; the
effect of asynchrony in their behavior can be a big deal.
In the present context, we will see that the answer to our question is
surprisingly clean: all executions of the G-S algorithm yield the same matching.
We proceed to prove this now.
All Executions Yield the Same Matching
There are a number of possible
ways to prove a statement such as this, many of which would result in quite
complicated arguments. It turns out that the easiest and most informative ap-
proach for us will be to uniquely
characterize the
matching that is obtained and
then show that al! executions result in the matching with this characterization.
What is the characterization? We’ll show that each man ends up with the
"best possible partner" in a concrete sense. (Recall that this is true if all men
prefer different women.) First, we will say that a woman iv is a
valid partner
of a man m if there is a stable matching that contains the pair
(m, iv).
We will
say that iv is the
best valid partner
of m if iv is a valid parmer of m, and no
woman whom m ranks higher than iv is a valid partner of his. We will use
to denote the best valid partner of m.
Now, let S* denote the set of pairs {(m,
best(m)) : m ~ M}.
We will prove
the folloWing fact.
Every execution of the C--S algorithm results in the set S*:
This statement is surprising at a number of levels. First of all, as defined,
there is no reason to believe that S* is a matching at all, let alone a stable
matching. After all, why couldn’t it happen that two men have the same best
valid partner? Second, the result shows that the G-S algorithm gives the best
possible outcome for every man simultaneously; there is no stable matching
in which any of the men could have hoped to do better. And finally, it answers
1.1 A First Problem: Stable Matching
our question above by showing that the order of proposals in the G-S algorithm
has absolutely no effect on the final outcome.
Despite all this, the proof is not so difficult.
Proof. Let us suppose, by way of contradiction, that some execution g of the
G-S algorithm results in a matching S in which some man is paired with a
woman who is not his best valid partner. Since men propose in decreasing
order of preference, this means that some man is rejected by a valid partner
during the execution g of the algorithm. So consider the first moment during
the execution g in which some man, say m, is rejected by a valid partner iv.
Again, since men propose in decreasing order of preference, and since this is
the first time such a rejection has occurred, it must be that iv is m’s best valid
The reiection of m by iv may have happened either because m proposed
and was turned down in favor of iv’s existing engagement, or because iv broke
her engagement to m in favor of a better proposal. But either way, at this
moment iv forms or continues an engagement with a man m’ whom she prefers
to m.
Since iv is a valid parmer of m, there exists a stable matching S’ containing
the pair (m, iv).
Now we ask: Who is m’ paired with in this matching? Suppose
it is a woman
iv’ ~= iv.
Since the rejection of m by iv was the first rejection of a man by a valid
partner in the execution ~, it must be that m’ had not been rejected by any valid
parmer at the point in ~ when he became engaged to iv. Since he proposed in
decreasing order of preference, and since iv’ is clearly a valid parmer of m’,
must be that m’ prefers iv to
But we have already seen that iv prefers m’
to m, for in execution ~ she rejected m in favor of m’. Since (m’, iv)
follows that (m’, iv) is an instability in S’.
This contradicts our claim that S’ is stable and hence contradicts our initial
assumption. []
So for the men, the G-S algorithm is ideal. Unfortunately, the same cannot
be said for the women. For a woman w, we say that m is a valid partner if
there is a stable matching that contains the pair (m, w). We say that m is the
ivorst valid partner
of iv if m is a valid partner of
and no man whom iv
ranks lower than m is a valid partner of hers.
In the stable matching S*, each woman is paired ivith her ivorst valid
Suppose there were a pair (m, iv) in S* such that m is not the worst
valid partner of iv. Then there is a stable matching S’ in which iv is paired
1 Introduction: Some Representative Problems
with a man m’ whom she likes less than m. In S’, m is paired with a woman
w’ ~ w; since w is the best valid partner of m, and w’ is a valid partner of
we see that m prefers w to w’.
But from this it follows that (m, w) is an instability in S’, contradicting the
claim that S’ is stable and hence contradicting our initial assumption. []
Thus, we find that our simple example above, in which the men’s pref-
erences clashed with the women’s, hinted at a very general phenomenon: for
any input, the side that does the proposing in the G-S algorithm ends up with
the best possible stable matching (from their perspective), while the side that
does not do the proposing correspondingly ends up with the worst possible
stable matching.
1.2 Five Representative Problems
The Stable Matching Problem provides us with a rich example of the process of
algorithm design. For many problems, this process involves a few significant,
steps: formulating the problem with enough mathematical precision that we
can ask a concrete question and start thinking about algorithms to solve
it; designing an algorithm for the problem; and analyzing the algorithm by
proving it is correct and giving a bound on the running time so as to establish
the algorithm’s efficiency.
This high-level strategy is carried out in practice with the help of a few
fundamental design techniques, which are very useful in assessing the inherent
complexity of a problem and in formulating an algorithm to solve it. As in any
area, becoming familiar with these design techniques is a gradual process; but
with experience one can start recognizing problems as belonging to identifiable
genres and appreciating how subtle changes in the statement of a problem can
have an enormous effect on its computational difficulty.
To get this discussion started, then,, it helps to pick out a few representa-
tive milestones that we’ll be encountering in our study of algorithms: cleanly
formulated problems, all resembling one another at a general level, but differ-
ing greatly in their difficulty and in the kinds of approaches that one brings
to bear on them. The first three will be solvable efficiently by a sequence of
increasingly subtle algorithmic techniques; the fourth marks a major turning
point in our discussion, serving as an example of a problem believed to be un-
solvable by any efficient algorithm; and the fifth hints at a class of problems
believed to be harder stil!.
The problems are self-contained and are al! motivated by computing
applications. To talk about some of them, though, it will help to use the
termino!ogy of
While graphs are a common topic in earlier computer
1.2 Five Representative Problems
science courses, we’ll be introducing them in a fair amount of depth in
Chapter 3; due to their enormous expressive power, we’ll also be using them
extensively throughout the book. For the discussion here, it’s enough to think
of a graph G as simply a way of encoding pairwise relationships among a set
of objects. Thus, G consists of a pair of sets
E)--a collection V of
and a collection E of
edges, each of which "joins" two of the nodes. We thus
represent an edge e ~ E as a two-element subset of V: e =
(u, u)
for some
u, u ~ V,
where we call u and u the
of e. We typica!ly draw graphs as in
Figure 1.3, with each node as a small circle and each edge as a line segment
joining its two ends.
Let’s now turn to a discussion of the five representative problems.
Interval Scheduling
Consider the following very simple scheduling problem. You have a resource--
it may be a lecture room, a supercompnter, or an electron microscope--and
many people request to use the resource for periods of time. A
the form: Can I reserve the resource starting at time
until time f? We will
assume that the resource can be used by at most one person at a time. A
scheduler wants to accept a subset of these requests, rejecting al! others, so
that the accepted requests do not overlap in time. The goal is to maximize the
number of requests accepted.
More formally, there will be n requests labeled 1 ..... n, with each request
i specifying a start time
and a finish time fi. Naturally, we have si < fi for all
i. Two requests i andj are
if the requested intervals do not overlap:
that is, either request i is for an earlier time interval than request
j (fi
or request i is for a later time than request j (1~ _< si). We’ll say more generally
that a subset A of requests is compatible if all pairs of requests
i,j ~ A, i ~=j are
compatible. The goal is to select a compatible subset of requests of maximum
possible size.
We illustrate an instance of this
Interual Scheduling Problem
in Figure 1.4.
Note that there is a single compatible set of size 4, and this is the largest
compatible set.
Figure 1.4 An instance of the Interval Scheduling Problem.
Figure 1.3 Each of (a) and
(b) depicts a graph on four
Chapter ! Introduction: Some Representative Problems
We will see shortly that this problem can be solved by a very natural
algorithm that orders the set of requests according to a certain heuristic and
then "greedily" processes them in one pass, selecting as large a compatible
subset as it can. This will be .typical of a class of
greedy algorithms
that we
will consider for various problems--myopic rules that process the input one
piece at a time with no apparent look-ahead. When a greedy algorithm can be
shown to find an optimal solution for al! instances of a problem, it’s often fairly
surprising. We typically learn something about the structure of the underlying
problem from the fact that such a simple approach can be optimal.
Weighted Interval Scheduling
In the Interval Scheduling Problem, we sohght to maximize the
requests that could be accommodated simultaneously. Now, suppose more
generally that each request interval i has an associated
vi > O; we could picture this as the amount of money we will make from
individual if we schedule his or her request. Our goal will be to find a
compatible subset of intervals of maximum total value.
The case in which vi = I for each i is simply the basic Interval Scheduling
Problem; but the appearance of arbitrary values changes the nature of the
maximization problem quite a bit. Consider, for example, that if v
the sum of all other vi, then the optimal solution must include interval 1
regardless of the configuration of the fi~l set of intervals. So any algorithm
for this problem must be very sensitive to the values, and yet degenerate to a
method for solving (unweighted) interval scheduling when all the values are
equal to 1.
There appears to be no simple greedy rule that walks through the intervals
one at a time, making the correct decision in the presence of arbitrary values.
Instead, we employ a technique,
dynamic programming,
that builds up the
optimal value over all possible solutions in a compact, tabular way that leads
to a very efficient algorithm.
Bipal~te Matching
When we considered the Stable Matching Problem, we defined a
be a set of ordered pairs of men and women with the property that each man
and each woman belong to at most one of the ordered pairs. We then defined
a perfect matching to be a matching in which every man and every woman
belong to some pair.
We can express these concepts more generally in terms of graphs, and in
order to do this it is useful to define the notion of a
bipartite graph.
We say that
a graph G ---- (V, E) is
if its node set V can be partitioned into sets X
1.2 Five Representative Problems
and Y in such a way that every edge has one end in X and the other end in Y.
A bipartite graph is pictured in Figure 1.5; often, when we want to emphasize
a graph’s "bipartiteness," we will draw it this way, with the nodes in X and
Y in two parallel columns. But notice, for example, that the two graphs in
Figure 1.3 are also bipartite.
Now, in the problem of finding a stable matching, matchings were built
from pairs of men and women. In the case of bipartite graphs, the edges are
pairs of nodes, so we say that a matching in a graph G = (V, E) is a set of edges
M _c E with the property that each node appears in at most one edge of M.
M is a perfect matching if every node appears in exactly one edge of M.
To see that this does capture the same notion we encountered in the Stable
Matching Problem, consider a bipartite graph G’ with a set X of n men, a set Y
of n women, and an edge from every node in X to every node in Y. Then the
matchings and perfect matchings in G’ are precisely the matchings and perfect
matchings among the set of men and women.
In the Stable Matching Problem, we added preferences to this picture. Here,
we do not consider preferences; but the nature of the problem in arbitrary
bipartite graphs adds a different source of complexity: there is not necessarily
an edge from every x ~ X to every y ~ Y, so the set of possible matchings has
quite a complicated structure. In other words, it is as though only certain pairs
of men and women are willing to be paired off, and we want to figure out
how to pair off many people in a way that is consistent with this. Consider,
for example, the bipartite graph G in Figure 1.5: there are many matchings in
G, but there is only one perfect matching. (Do you see it?)
Matchings in bipartite graphs can model situations in which objects are
to other objects. Thus, the nodes in X can represent jobs, the
nodes in Y can represent machines, and an edge (x~, y]) can indicate that
machine y] is capable of processing job xi. A perfect matching is then a way
of assigning each job to a machine that can process it, with the property that
each machine is assigned exactly one job. In the spring, computer science
departments across the country are often seen pondering a bipartite graph in
which X is the set of professors in the department, Y is the set of offered
courses, and an edge (xi, yj) indicates that professor x~ is capable of teaching
course y]. A perfect matching in this graph consists of an assignment of each
professor to a course that he or she can teach, in such a way that every course
is covered.
Thus the
Bipartite Matching Problem
is the following: Given an arbitrary
bipartite graph
find a matching of maximum size. If IXI = I YI = n, then there
is a perfect matching if and only if the maximum matching has size n. We will
find that the algorithmic techniques discussed earlier do not seem adequate
Figure 1.5 A bipartite graph.
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