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The communication between Mitsubishi inverter and Siemens PLC is mainly achieved through communication protocols to realize motor forward and reverse rotation. Instructions that are recognized by the inverter are sent from a personal computer, the inverter accepts the instructions, and then sends out instructions that are recognized by the PLC. The PLC receives the instructions and ultimately implements the forward and reverse rotation of the motor. The Mitsubishi inverter can achieve motor forward and reverse rotation as well as frequency changes through panel operation, potentiometer operation, and three-stage fixed frequency operation. This paper introduces the application, functions, communication with Siemens PLC, and precautions when using Mitsubishi inverters.
Key words: Mitsubishi inverter, Siemens PLC, communication
In conclusion, the communication between Mitsubishi inverter and Siemens PLC plays a crucial role in automation systems. The ability to control motor functions such as forward and reverse rotation and frequency changes is essential for various industrial processes. Understanding the communication protocols and ensuring proper communication between the inverter and PLC is necessary for efficient operation. The application of Mitsubishi inverters in conjunction with Siemens PLCs can greatly enhance the automation capabilities of a system. By following the guidelines and precautions outlined in this paper, users can effectively utilize Mitsubishi inverters and Siemens PLCs in their respective applications.
2023-06-30 上传
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2023-06-29 上传
2023-06-29 上传
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