2nd USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies
USENIX Association
the workload or the request stream is drawn from a
LRU Stack Depth Distribution (SDD), then LRU is the
optimal policy [16]. LRU has several advantages, for
example, it is simple to implement and responds well
to changes in the underlying SDD model. However,
while the SDD model captures “recency”, it does not
capture “frequency”. To quote from [16, p. 282]: “The
significance of this is, in the long run, that each page
is equally likely to be referenced and that therefore
the model is useful for treating the clustering effect of
locality but not the nonuniform page referencing.”
C. Frequency
The Independent Reference Model (IRM) provides a
workload characterization that captures the notion of
frequency. Specifically, IRM assumes that each page
reference is drawn in an independent fashion from
a fixed distribution over the set of all pages in the
auxiliary memory. Under the IRM model, policy LFU
that replaces the least frequently used page is known
to be optimal [16], [17]. The LFU policy has sev-
eral drawbacks: it requires logarithmic implementation
complexity in cache size, pays almost no attention to
recent history, and does not adapt well to changing
access patterns since it accumulates stale pages with
high frequency counts that may no longer be useful.
A relatively recent algorithm LRU-2 [18], [19] ap-
proximates LFU while eliminating its lack of adaptivity
to the evolving distribution of page reference frequen-
cies. This was a significant practical step forward. The
basic idea is to remember, for each page, the last
two times when it was requested, and to replace the
page with the least recent penultimate reference. Under
the IRM assumption, it is known that LRU-2 has the
largest expected hit ratio of any on-line algorithm that
knows at most two most recent references to each page
[19]. The algorithm has been shown to work well on
several traces [18], [20]. Nonetheless, LRU-2 still has
two practical limitations [20]: (i) it needs to maintain
a priority queue, and, hence, it requires logarithmic
implementation complexity and (ii) it contains at one
crucial tunable parameter, namely, Correlated Informa-
tion Period (CIP), that roughly captures the amount of
time a page that has only been seen once recently should
be kept in the cache.
In practice, logarithmic implementation complexity
is a severe overhead, see, Table I. This limitation was
mitigated in 2Q [20] which reduces the implementation
complexity to constant per request. The algorithm 2Q
uses a simple LRU list instead of the priority queue
used in LRU-2; otherwise, it is similar to LRU-2. Policy
ARC has a computational overhead similar to 2Q and
both are better than LRU-2, see, Table I.
Table II shows that the choice of the parameter CIP
5 6 8 9 5 6 8 : ; < <
1024 17 14 17 33 554 408 28
2048 12 14 17 27 599 451 28
4096 12 15 17 27 649 494 29
8192 12 16 18 28 694 537 29
16384 13 16 19 30 734 418 30
32768 14 17 18 31 716 420 31
65536 14 16 18 32 648 424 34
131072 14 15 16 32 533 432 39
262144 13 13 14 30 427 435 42
524288 12 13 13 27 263 443 45
TABLE I. A comparison of computational overhead of various
cache algorithms on a trace P9 that was collected from a
workstation running Windows NT by using Vtrace which
captures disk requests. For more details of the trace, see
Section V-A. The cache size
represents number of
pages. To obtain the numbers reported above, we assumed
that a miss costs nothing more than a hit. This focuses the
attention entirely on the “book-keeping” overhead of the cache
algorithms. All timing numbers are in seconds, and were
obtained by using the “clock()” subroutine in “time.h” of
the GNU C compiler. It can be seen that the computational
overhead of ARC and 2Q is essentially the same as that of
LRU. It can also be seen that LRU-2 has roughly double
the overhead of LRU, and that LRFU can have very large
overhead when compared to LRU. The same general results
hold for all the traces that we examined.
crucially affects performance of LRU-2. It can be seen
that no single fixed a priori choice works uniformly well
across across various cache sizes, and, hence, judicious
selection of this parameter is crucial to achieving good
performance. Furthermore, we have found that no single
a priori choice works uniformly well across across
various workloads and cache sizes that we examined.
For example, a very small value for the CIP parameters
work well for stable workloads drawn according to the
IRM, while a larger value works well for workloads
drawn according to the SDD. Indeed, it has been
previously noted [20] that “it was difficult to model the
tunables of the algorithm exactly.” This underscores the
need for on-line, on-the-fly adaptation.
Unfortunately, the second limitation of LRU-2 per-
sists even in 2Q. The authors introduce two parameters
? @ B
? D E F
) and note that “Fixing these parameters
is potentially a tuning question
! ! !
” [20]. The parameter
? @ B
is essentially the same as the parameter CIP
in LRU-2. Once again, it has been noted [21] that
? @ B
? D E F
are predetermined parameters in 2Q,
which need to be carefully tuned, and are sensitive to
types of workloads.” Due to space limitation, we have
shown Table II only for LRU-2, however, we have
observed similar dependence of 2Q on the workload