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The "Introduction to Computer Science" teaching materials compiled a complete set of electronic lectures for the entire book, with the latest version of the electronic lecture notes (most recent).ppt; The main content of "Introduction to Computer Science" teaching courseware includes: Chapter 1 Introduction 3/24/2023 Main Content 1.1 The Emergence of Computers 1.2 The Development of Computers 1.3 The Main Indicators of Computers 1.4 Characteristics and Classification of Computers 1.5 Application Areas of Computers 1.6 Computer Science and Technology 3/24/2023 The Knowledge Structure of This Chapter: 3/24/2023 Learning Objectives: Understand the development process and trends of computers; Understand the system and methodology of computer science; Master the main technical indicators of computers; Understand the characteristics and classification of computers. 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 Turing Machine Model 1.1.2 The First Computer 1.1.3 Von Neumann Machine Model 3/24/2023 1.1 The Emergence of Computers The most important reason for the development of computers is the demand of human society. With the development of modern society and science and technology, there is a stronger demand for new computing tools. In the history of computer development, the Turing machine model, the first computer, and the Von Neumann machine model are three important events in the process of computer emergence. 3/24/2023 1.1.1 Turing Machine Model In 1936, the famous mathematician Turing of Cambridge University in the UK published a paper on the "ideal computer" while studying the basic theoretical problem of mathematics. In this paper, he proposed a mathematical model of a modern universal digital computer. This theoretical machine is called the Turing machine. Turing analyzed and proved this type of machine in the paper. ".
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