"10.1寸 1200x1920 Mipi屏产品规格及审定情况总结"
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The WD101FXM40AB-C7-16 is a 10.1-inch display with a resolution of 1200x1920 and a mipi screen. This preliminary specification has been approved by the customer and supplier, with the design and checks carried out by Fu Xiangquan, Zhu Hemin, and Liu Xin on November 14, 2022.
The revision status of this specification is at 1.0, with the first revision canceling the size of (19.59±0.50) and dated November 14, 2022.
The contents of the specification include general specifications, absolute maximum ratings, optical characteristics, block diagram, and interface pi.
In terms of general specifications, the display features a 10.1-inch size and a resolution of 1200x1920. The absolute maximum ratings detail the maximum electrical and environmental conditions that the display can withstand without damage. The optical characteristics outline the display's brightness, contrast ratio, and viewing angles. The block diagram provides a visual representation of the display's internal structure and connections. Finally, the interface pi describes how the display interfaces with other devices.
Overall, the WD101FXM40AB-C7-16 is a 10.1-inch mipi display with a high resolution and detailed specifications that have been carefully reviewed and approved by relevant parties.
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