COL 9(10), 103103(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS Octob er 10, 2011
Accumulation effect of SiO
protective layer on multi-shot
laser-induced damage in high-reflectivity
Ying Wang (王王王 营营营)
, Hongbo He (贺贺贺洪洪洪波波波)
, Yuan’an Zhao (赵赵赵元元元安安安)
Yongguang Shan (单单单永永永光光光)
, Chaoyang Wei (魏魏魏朝朝朝阳阳阳)
Key Laboratory of Materials for High Power Lasers, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Corresp onding author:
Received February 14, 2011; accepted May 9, 2011; posted online August 5, 2011
The accumulation effects in high-reflectivity (HR) HfO
coatings under laser irradiation are inves-
tigated. The HR HfO
coatings are prepared by electron beam evaporation at 1 064 nm. The
laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) are measured at 1 064 nm and at a pulse duration of 12 ns, in
1-on-1 and S-on-1 modes. Multi-shot LIDT is lower than single-shot LIDT. The laser-induced and native
defects play an important role in the multi-shot mode. A correlative theory model based on critical con-
duction band electron density is constructed to elucidate the experimental phenomena.
OCIS codes: 310.0310, 140.3330.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.103103.
In recent years, many laboratories have investigated
multi-shot laser-induced damage in optical materials,
such as fused silica
and KTP crystals
. The multi-
shot laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) is often
lower than single-shot LIDT because of the accumulation
effects in most optical materials
. As a result, inves-
tigations on multi-shot laser-induced damage in optical
coatings are of high practical importance for high-power
laser applications
. The mechanism for single-shot
laser damage includes avalanche ionization (AI)
, mul-
tiphoton ionization (MPI)
, impurity breakdown
, etc.
However, the damage mechanism of multi-shot radiation
is considerably more complicated than that of single-
shot radiation. Mero et al. established a model for
studying multi-shot damage behavior in the femtosec-
ond regime
. In another previous study, a model was
developed to explain the correlations between observed
multi-shot laser damage threshold and its dependence on
the number of shots in the nanosecond regime
. The
aim of this letter is to identify the correlations between
observed LIDT and the characteristics of the native and
laser-induced defects in multilayers under single- and
multi-shot radiation. We present the results of 1-on-1
and S-on-1 tests at 1 064 nm for high-reflectivity (HR)
coatings. Then, we provide the experimental
details of the sample deposition process and laser dam-
age test procedure. Finally, the experimental results and
discussions are presented.
The samples were prepared by electron beam evap-
oration. The coating design of the sample was G|
H4L|A, where H denotes the high-index HfO
with one quarter wavelength optical thickness (QWOT),
L is the low-index SiO
with one QWOT, G represents
the BK7 substrate, and A is the incident medium (air).
The transmittance spectra of the sample are shown in
Fig. 1.
The experimental setup for laser damage is schemati-
cally shown in Fig. 2
. The Nd:YAG laser system was
operated in TEM
mode and the pulse width was 12
ns at 1 064 nm. The beams were focused onto a 1/e
height of 320 µm and width of 250 µm. In the S-on-1
test, the sample was tested at a frequency of 5 Hz. The
laser energy used to damage the sample was obtained by
adjusting the attenuator, and the pulse energy was mea-
sured by using an energy meter from a split-off p ortion
of the beam. The sample was set on a two-dimensional
precision stage driven by a stepper motor. The He-Ne
laser was used to monitor the test. Damage onset was
detected on-line using a video microscopy system.
The S-on-1 test was carried out in accordance with
the ISO 11254-2 standard
. In this letter, 1, 5, 10, 20,
100, and 1 000-on-1 LIDT were tested to understand the
influence of the number of laser shots N on the accumu-
lation effects. Twenty sites were tested at each selected
fluence for 1-on-1, and 10 sites were chosen for S-on-1.
Laser damage threshold was determined by linear
Fig. 1. Transmittance spectra of the sample.
1671-7694/2011/103103(4) 103103-1
° 2011 Chinese Optics Letters