"BEA TUXEDO程序员指南:ATMI基本件与客户-服务体系结构"
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The BEA TUXEDO system development environment is essential for building applications and software. Using C programming language and the Application Transaction Monitoring Interface (ATMI), developers can create logical and efficient software that interacts with the BEA TUXEDO system for transaction monitoring and communication between applications. The ATMI functions are similar to UNIX system calls, but are optimized for communication and resource sharing between application modules. The BEA TUXEDO system emphasizes a client-server architecture, where clients send requests to servers and receive responses in return. This book, from chapter 2 to chapter 7, details how ATMI can be used to develop and debug client and server programs. This chapter serves as an introduction to the ATMI and the basic client operations, illustrating how a client process interacts with an application system and utilizes information caching for efficient data allocation. In summary, the BEA TUXEDO system development environment provides a robust framework for building client-server applications with precise transaction monitoring and efficient communication mechanisms using ATMI functions and C programming language.
120 浏览量
2022-12-25 上传
2008-09-29 上传
2009-04-16 上传
2009-05-06 上传
2008-04-04 上传
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