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资源摘要信息:"通过实践学习Java的唯一方式" 在信息时代,编程技能变得越来越重要。学习编程不仅仅是学习一种技能,更是对未来职业发展的投资。今天,我们来探讨一个专注于通过实践学习Java的有效方法,它被称为“通过实践学习”(Programming By Doing)。这种方法强调通过动手实践来掌握编程知识和技能,而不是仅仅依赖于阅读或听讲。 标题中的“Programming By Doing”指的是一个学习Java的实践方法,它倡导通过编写代码和解决实际问题来学习编程,强调学习过程中的主动参与和动手操作。这个过程可以被看作是一种“硬核”的方式,因为它需要学习者投入大量的时间和精力去编写代码、测试、调试,并且理解程序运行的原理。 描述中提到的“Learning Java the hard way,或者很可能是唯一的方法,通过做”,强调了“通过实践学习Java”的理念,这种方式可能相对于传统的阅读教材或者观看视频教程来说更为艰难,因为它要求学习者直接面对编程中的困难和挑战,而不是被安排在一个舒适的学习环境中。这种方法认为,只有通过实际编写代码,才能真正理解和掌握编程语言,尤其像Java这样的复杂编程语言。 在标签中,“Java”无疑是本资源的核心。Java是一种广泛使用的面向对象的编程语言,因其跨平台、安全性和高性能的特点而受到许多开发者的青睐。通过实践学习Java意味着通过编写、运行和测试Java代码来学习语法、类和对象、接口、继承、多线程等概念。学习者将通过解决实际问题来提高编程能力和解决实际问题的能力。 至于“压缩包子文件的文件名称列表”中的“Programming_By_Doing-master”,这很可能是存放该学习资源源代码的文件夹名称。在版本控制系统(如Git)中,以“-master”结尾的通常表示主分支或者主版本,意味着这里存放的是该项目的核心或最新版本的内容。这个文件夹中可能包含了各种Java编程实践的示例代码、练习题目、解决方案等。 通过实践学习Java是一种非常有效的方法。它让学习者从一开始就能够接触并解决真实的问题,而不是仅仅停留在理论阶段。学习者通过不断地编码、测试、调试和重构代码,能够逐渐构建起对Java语言及其运行环境的深刻理解。这种方法有助于学习者培养出独立解决问题的能力,并为成为一名优秀的Java开发者打下坚实的基础。此外,通过实际操作,学习者还能够学习到如何使用开发工具、调试工具以及版本控制工具等,这些都是成为一名专业程序员所必需的技能。
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Java 9 Programming By Example by Peter Verhas English | 26 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B01KOG6SWI | 504 Pages | AZW3 | 4.1 MB Key Features We bridge the gap between “learning” and “doing” by providing real-world examples that will improve your software development Our example-based approach will get you started quickly with software programming, get you up-to-speed with Java 9, and improve your Java skills This book will show you the best practices of Java coding and improve your productivity Book Description This book gets you started with essential software development easily and quickly, guiding you through Java's different facets. By adopting this approach, you can bridge the gap between learning and doing immediately. You will learn the new features of Java 9 quickly and experience a simple and powerful approach to software development. You will be able to use the Java runtime tools, understand the Java environment, and create Java programs. We then cover more simple examples to build your foundation before diving to some complex data structure problems that will solidify your Java 9 skills. With a special focus on modularity and HTTP 2.0, this book will guide you to get employed as a top notch Java developer. By the end of the book, you will have a firm foundation to continue your journey towards becoming a professional Java developer. What you will learn Compile, package and run a trivial program using a build management tool Get to know the principles of test-driven development and dependency management Separate the wiring of multiple modules from the application logic into an application using dependency injection Benchmark Java execution using Java 9 microbenchmarking See the workings of the Spring framework and use Java annotations for the configuration Master the scripting API built into the Java language and use the built-in JavaScript interpreter Understand static versus dynamic implementation of code and high-order reactive programming in Java About the Author Peter Verhas is a senior software engineer and software architect having electrical engineering and economics background from TU Budapest (MsC) and PTE Hungary (MBA), and also studied at TU Delft and TU Vienna. He created his first programs in 1979, and since then he has authored several open source programs. He has worked in several positions in the telecommunications and finance industries and was the CIO of the Hungarian start-up index.hu during its early days. Peter works for EPAM Systems in Switzerland, participating in software development projects at various customer sites, and he supports talent acquisition by interviewing candidates, training programs for developers, and internal mentoring programs. You can follow Peter on Twitter at @verhas, LinkedIn, and GitHub, or read his technical blog, Java Deep, at http://javax0.wordpress.com. Table of Contents Getting Started with Java 9 The First Real Java Program - Sorting Names Optimizing the Sort - Making Code Professional Mastermind - Creating a Game Extending the Game - Run Parallel, Run Faster Making Our Game Professional - Do it as a Webapp Building a Commercial Web Application Using REST Extending Our E-Commerce Application Building an Accounting Application Using Reactive Programming Finalizing Java Knowledge to a Professional Level