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资源摘要信息: "CNG油改气 Exon-V1.55-09(中文)(1" CNG(压缩天然气)油改气技术是一种将传统燃油车辆改装为使用压缩天然气作为燃料的环保技术。这项技术的目的在于减少汽车尾气排放,降低对环境的影响,并且往往能减少燃料成本。Exon-V1.55-09(中文)指的是一款特定版本的CNG油改气套件或软件,其版本号为1.55-09,且具有中文界面,以便中文用户使用。 从描述中我们可以提取出以下几个重要的知识点: ***G技术概念:压缩天然气(CNG)是将天然气压缩到高压(一般为200-248个大气压)后储存于特制的高压容器中,作为车辆燃料使用。CNG比液化石油气(LPG)更加清洁,是一种优质、环保的汽车燃料。 2. 油改气过程:油改气一般指的是将使用汽油或柴油的车辆改装为可以使用CNG作为燃料的车辆。这个过程需要在车辆原有的燃油系统基础上加装CNG气瓶、气路和控制系统等。通常需要专业的技术人员和工具来完成改装。 3. Exon-V1.55-09(中文)套件:这个文件名表明它是一个专门为油改气提供支持的软件工具。版本号1.55-09表示这个软件的特定更新版本。中文标识说明该软件有中文操作界面,便于中国地区的用户理解和使用。 4. 环保效益:CNG作为一种清洁能源,相比传统燃油有更低的碳排放量。油改气技术的推广有助于减少大气中的CO2和其他有害物质排放,对改善空气质量、减缓全球变暖有积极作用。 5. 经济效益:由于天然气的价格普遍低于汽油或柴油,车辆改装为CNG燃料后,能够降低日常的燃料成本,长期看能为车主节省一笔可观的费用。 6. 系统兼容性:改装CNG系统时,需要考虑车辆的兼容性问题。并非所有的车辆都适合改装,因此改装前需要进行详细的评估和技术检查。 7. 法律法规:在进行CNG油改气改装时,还需要遵守当地的法律法规。不同地区对于改装车辆的法律标准可能不同,因此进行改装和使用时需要确保合法合规。 文件名称列表中的"CDM_Setup.exe"可能是一个安装程序,用于安装或更新CNG油改气的相关软件。而"Exon-V1.55-09(中文).rar"是一个压缩文件,其中包含的软件或套件可能是通过解压后进行安装使用的。 总结来说,CNG油改气技术是实现汽车燃料多样化的有效手段,Exon-V1.55-09(中文)软件工具的提供使得这一技术的实施更加便捷。而其环保和经济效益是推动这一技术发展的两大主要动力。不过,在享受这些好处的同时,也需要关注相应的法律法规,确保改装活动的安全和合法性。

feScore - EPA Fuel Economy Score (负1 = Not available) fuelCost08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType1 ($) (7) fuelCostA08 - annual fuel cost for fuelType2 ($) (7) fuelType - fuel type with fuelType1 and fuelType2 (if applicable) fuelType1 - fuel type 1. For single fuel vehicles, this will be the only fuel. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the conventional fuel. fuelType2 - fuel type 2. For dual fuel vehicles, this will be the alternative fuel (e.g. E85, Electricity, CNG, LPG). For single fuel vehicles, this field is not used ghgScore - EPA GHG score (负1 = Not available) ghgScoreA - EPA GHG score for dual fuel vehicle running on the alternative fuel (负1 = Not available) guzzler- if G or T, this vehicle is subject to the gas guzzler tax highway08 - highway MPG for fuelType1 (2) highway08U - unrounded highway MPG for fuelType1 (2), (3) highwayA08 - highway MPG for fuelType2 (2) highwayA08U - unrounded highway MPG for fuelType2 (2),(3) highwayCD - highway gasoline consumption (gallons/100miles) in charge depleting mode (4) highwayE - highway electricity consumption in kwhrs/100 miles highwayUF - EPA highway utility factor (share of electricity) for PHEV hlv - hatchback luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) hpv - hatchback passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) id - vehicle record id lv2 - 2 door luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) lv4 - 4 door luggage volume (cubic feet) (8) make - manufacturer (division) mfrCode - 3character manufacturer code model - model name (carline) mpgData - has Your MPG data; see yourMpgVehicle and yourMpgDriverVehicle phevBlended - if true, this vehicle operates on a blend of gasoline and electricity in charge depleting mode pv2 - 2door passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) pv4 - 4door passenger volume (cubic feet) (8) rangeA - EPA range for fuelType2 rangeCityA - EPA city range for fuelType2 rangeHwyA - EPA highway range for fuelType2 trans_dscr - transmission descriptor; see trany - transmission UCity - unadjusted city MPG for fuelType1; see the description of the EPA test procedures UCityA - unadjusted city MPG for fuelType2; see the description of the EPA test procedures UHighway - unadjusted highway MPG for fuelType1; see the description of the EPA test procedures UHighwayA - unadjusted highway MPG for fuelType2; see the description of the EPA test procedures VClass - EPA vehicle size class year - model year youSaveSpend - you save/spend over 5 years compared to an average car ($). Savings are positive; a greater amount spent yields a negative number. For dual fuel vehicles, this is the cost savings for gasoline. sCharger - if S, this vehicle is supercharged tCharger - if T, this vehicle is turbocharged翻译

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