
0 下载量 165 浏览量 更新于2024-03-04 收藏 427KB DOC 举报
The monitoring system technical specification document outlines the scope of supply, including a list of main equipment, spare parts, and specialized tools. The document also provides a network diagram and detailed description of the proposed solution. The overview section of the document describes the system's safety standards and overall approach. It highlights the main technical data and features of the monitoring system, including technical indicators for protection monitoring devices, monitoring devices, TCP/IP local area networks, decentralized microcomputer protection monitoring devices, and comprehensive automation systems. The document details the monitoring of primary equipment protection, including 35kV line intervals, 35kV segment intervals, 35kV PT intervals, 35kV main transformer intervals, 35kV substation intervals, low voltage measurement and control intervals, and satellite time intervals. It also explains the main functions of the comprehensive automation system. In terms of quality assurance and on-site services, the document emphasizes the importance of the supply scope, which includes a list of main equipment. It also mentions the need for continuous improvement of the company's internal control system, ensuring smooth processes and responsibilities, strengthening internal controls, and utilizing internal audit tools for detecting potential management issues. Overall, the document provides a comprehensive overview of the monitoring system's technical specifications, ensuring that all aspects of the system are covered in detail to meet the requirements of the project effectively. With a focus on safety standards, technical data, and the quality assurance of supply and services, the document sets a solid foundation for the successful implementation of the monitoring system.