138 浏览量
收藏 742KB DOC 举报
In the warehouse set up automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing system, which can receive the alarm signals and can take measures in the initial stage of a fire, in order to prevent the spread of fire the fire damage to minimum. This paper focuses on the design of fire automatic alarm control system, system structure and according to the control regulations, analysis of the control system, and gives the I/O list, control ladder diagram and program debugging, and provides the debugging process and control system logic control methods. Through the study of this paper, readers can have a clear understanding of the design and debugging of the fire automatic alarm control system, and can provide a certain reference for the practical engineering application.
130 浏览量
2022-12-06 上传
2024-10-28 上传
116 浏览量
2024-10-28 上传
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- 资源: 4万+
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