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数字电路与逻辑设计课件中的第四章部分主要介绍了集成计数器及其应用。集成计数器是一种可以利用触发器和门电路构成的数字电路,在实际应用中得到广泛应用。时序逻辑电路由组合电路和存储电路两部分构成,按照触发脉冲输入方式的不同可分为同步时序电路和异步时序电路。 同步时序电路指的是各触发器状态的变化受同一时钟脉冲控制,在异步时序电路中,各触发器状态的变化则不受同一时钟脉冲控制。复习触发器构成同步、莫尔型、模八计数器时可以看到输出的状态如Q2n、Q1n、Q0n、Q2n1、Q1n1、Q0n1、Z等。 集成计数器可以用于各种计数应用,可以实现各种计数功能。除了计数器外,数字电路中还有许多其他重要的部分,例如集成触发器、同步时序电路、集成移位寄存器、随机访问存储器等。 通过学习数字电路与逻辑设计课程,我们可以深入了解数字电路的基础知识,理解其中的原理和实际应用,为进行更深入的研究和应用打下坚实的基础。通过实际的应用实例,我们可以更好地理解和掌握数字电路的设计与应用技术,为未来的工作和研究提供强有力的支持。Digital circuits and logic design courseware: Chapter 4 part 5 Integrated counter and its applications.ppt; Digital circuits and logic design courseware: Chapter 4 part 5 Integrated counter and its applications.ppt; Chapter 44 Time-sequential electronic circuit fundamentals §4-1 integrated trigger §4-2 synchronous sequential circuit §4-3 integrated trigger and its applications §4-4 integrated shift register and its applications §4-5 random access memory §4-6 application examples Counters can be constructed using triggers and gate circuits. In practical applications, integrated counters are mainly used.   Sequential logic circuits are composed of combinational circuits and storage circuits.   Depending on the different ways of triggering pulse input, sequential circuits can be divided into synchronous sequential circuits and asynchronous sequential circuits:  Synchronous sequential circuits refer to changes in the state of each trigger that are controlled by the same clock pulse;  In asynchronous sequential circuits, the changes in state of each trigger are not controlled by the same clock pulse. Review The counters are constructed of triggers in synchronous, Moore-type, modulo-8 counters Q2nQ1nQ0nQ2n 1Q1n 1Q0n 1Z0000010001010.