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"NumPy 初学者指南:高效利用高性能的数学库进行程序开发" 《NumPy 初学者指南》第三版由 Ivan Idris 编写,旨在帮助Python开发者入门并深入理解NumPy库,这是一个用于创建高效、高速程序的数学库。书中通过实例展示了如何利用NumPy进行复杂计算,例如绘制多项式及其导数。 在实际操作部分,书中提到了绘制一个多项式及其一阶和二阶导数的过程。首先,通过`np.poly1d`函数创建一个多项式,传入一个浮点数数组来定义多项式的系数。接着,利用`np.linspace`生成一组等间距的x值。然后,应用多项式函数得到对应的y值。为了获取导数,可以调用`func.deriv(m=1)`或`func.deriv(m=2)`分别计算一阶和二阶导数。 在可视化部分,使用了matplotlib库的`plt.subplot()`函数来创建子图,以便清晰地展示多项式及其导数。`subplot()`函数的参数分别代表行数、列数和子图的索引,如`plt.subplot(311)`表示创建3行1列的第一个子图。每个子图都可以通过`plt.title()`设置标题,并使用`plt.plot()`绘制曲线,如`plt.plot(x, y, 'r-')`将绘制一条红色实线的曲线。 在示例代码中,先创建了多项式子图,标题为"Polynomial",接着创建了一阶导数子图,标题为"First Derivative",最后是二阶导数子图,标题为"Second Derivative"。这样,读者可以通过视觉上的对比更好地理解和学习多项式及其导数的概念。 通过这本书,初学者将能够掌握NumPy的基本操作,包括数组创建、数学运算、以及数据可视化,从而提升在科学计算和数据分析领域的技能。NumPy作为Python中的核心库,对于处理大型多维数据至关重要,也是机器学习和数据科学领域不可或缺的工具。
2016-06-15 上传
About This Book, Written as a step-by-step guide, this book aims to give you a strong foundation in NumPy and breaks down its complex library features into simple tasksPerform high performance calculations with clean and efficient NumPy codeAnalyze large datasets with statistical functions and execute complex linear algebra and mathematical computations, Who This Book Is For, This book is for the scientists, engineers, programmers, or analysts looking for a high-quality, open source mathematical library. Knowledge of Python is assumed. Also, some affinity, or at least interest, in mathematics and statistics is required. However, I have provided brief explanations and pointers to learning resources., What You Will Learn, Install NumPy, matplotlib, SciPy, and IPython on various operating systems Use NumPy array objects to perform array operations Familiarize yourself with commonly used NumPy functions Use NumPy matrices for matrix algebra Work with the NumPy modules to perform various algebraic operations Test NumPy code with the numpy.testing module Plot simple plots, subplots, histograms, and more with matplotlib, In Detail, In today's world of science and technology, it's all about speed and flexibility. When it comes to scientific computing, NumPy tops the list. NumPy will give you both speed and high productivity. This book will walk you through NumPy with clear, step-by-step examples and just the right amount of theory. The book focuses on the fundamentals of NumPy, including array objects, functions, and matrices, each of them explained with practical examples. You will then learn about different NumPy modules while performing mathematical operations such as calculating the Fourier transform, finding the inverse of a matrix, and determining eigenvalues, among many others. This book is a one-stop solution to knowing the ins and outs of the vast NumPy library, empowering you to use its wide range of mathematical features to build efficient, high-speed programs.