Ivor Horton's 'Beginner to Pro' Guide: Step-by-Step C Programmin...

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"《 Beginning C From Novice To Professional》是由经验丰富的作者Ivor Horton撰写的一本面向初学者的专业级C语言编程指南。该书在第四版中系统地带领读者从新手阶段逐步成长为专业的C程序员。作为一本基础与实践并重的参考书籍,书中详尽介绍了C语言的基本概念和技术,通过丰富的实例让理论知识得以生动呈现,是C程序开发者的理想工具书。 本书的特点在于其循序渐进的教学方式,无论是对编程初识者还是有一定基础的学习者来说,都能找到适合自己的学习路径。作者Ivor Horton以其专家的视角,确保了内容的专业性和实用性。每一章都深入浅出地讲解了C语言的关键知识点,如数据类型、控制结构、函数、指针、数组、文件操作、对象导向编程等内容,并配以大量的实战练习,帮助读者巩固理论知识,提高实际编程能力。 版权方面,该书受到严格的保护,未经版权所有者Ivor Horton和出版社的书面许可,不得任何形式复制或传输。本书采用国际标准书号(ISBN-13) 978-59059-735-4和ISBN-10 1-59059-735-4,表明其正规出版发行。印刷和装订均在美国完成。 在编排团队中,Matthew Moodie担任主编辑,Stan Lippman则进行了技术审阅,其他知名编辑如Steve Anglin、Ewan Buckingham、Gary Cornell等人也共同参与了编辑工作,确保了内容的质量和一致性。作者尊重商标法,仅在编辑性用途中提及商标名称,不构成商标侵权。 《 Beginning C From Novice To Professional》是一本全面而实用的C语言教程,无论是作为学习资源,还是作为专业开发人员的参考手册,都能提供深厚且扎实的基础,对于提升C编程技能具有重要的价值。"
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Welcome to Beginning C++17. This is a revised and updated version of Ivor Horton’s original book called Beginning ANSI C++. The C++ language has been extended and improved considerably since then, so much so that it was no longer possible to squeeze detailed explanations of all of C++ into a single book. This tutorial will teach the essentials of the C++ language and Standard Library features, which will be more than enough for you to write your own C++ applications. With the knowledge from this book, you should have no difficulty in extending the depth and scope of your C++ expertise. We have assumed no prior programming knowledge. If you are keen to learn and have an aptitude for thinking logically, getting a grip on C++ will be easier than you might imagine. By developing C++ skills, you’ll be learning a language that is already used by millions and that provides the capability for application development in just about any context. C++ is very powerful. Arguably, it’s more powerful than most programming languages. So, yes, like with any powerful tool you can wield some considerable damage if you use it without proper training. We often compare C++ to a Swiss Army knife: age-old, trusted, incredibly versatile, yet potentially mind-boggling and full of pointy things that could really hurt you. Once someone clearly explains to you what all the different tools are meant for, however, and teaches you some elementary knife safety rules, then you’ll never have to look for another pocketknife again. C++ does not need to be dangerous or difficult at all either. C++ today is much more accessible than many people assume. The language has come a long way since its conception nearly 40 years ago. In essence, we have learned how to wield all its mighty blades and tools in the safest and most effective way possible. And, more importantly perhaps, the C++ language and its Standard Library have evolved accordingly to facilitate this. The past decade in particular has seen the ris