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In 2022, the knowledge points of the self-study operating system include the following topics:
1. Introduction to Operating Systems
- Design Principles of Operating Systems
A. Ensuring the usability of the computer system
B. Ensuring the efficient operation of the computer
2. Basic Types of Operating Systems:
- Batch Processing Systems: These systems process jobs in batches, with examples like single-track and multi-track batch processing systems. Benefits of multi-track batch processing systems include parallel processing, efficient utilization of system resources, direct access to high-speed disk, and automatic selection and control of jobs to improve system throughput.
- Time-Sharing Systems: These systems allow multiple users to interact with the computer system simultaneously, often using time-sharing techniques. Characteristics of time-sharing multiprocessing include synchronicity, independence, timeliness, and interactivity.
- Real-Time Operating Systems: These systems are designed to handle external signals promptly within strict time constraints to provide timely responses and feedback.
3. Introduction to UNIX:
- UNIX is an interactive time-sharing system known for its flexibility and productivity. UNIX Version 1 was developed in the late 1960s and has evolved over the years to become a widely used operating system in various computing environments.
Overall, operating systems play a crucial role in managing computer resources, ensuring system efficiency, and providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with the hardware. Understanding the principles and types of operating systems, such as batch processing, time-sharing, real-time, and UNIX, is essential for navigating the complexities of modern computing environments and optimizing system performance.
2022-11-04 上传
2022-11-04 上传
2022-11-04 上传
2022-11-04 上传
2022-11-04 上传
2022-11-04 上传
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