"Basys3板跑马灯实验Vivado 2015使用指导"
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Vivado 2015 is a software tool that is used for designing and programming Integrated Circuits (ICs). This guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating a new project and implementing a LED lights experiment based on the Basys3 board.
To begin, open Vivado and create a new project by clicking on "Create New Project" in the startup window. Enter the project name as "led_8lights" and specify the project path as E:/Xilinx/VivadoProject. Once the project is created, all project files will be located in E:/Xilinx/VivadoProject/led_8lights.
Next, select "RTL Project" and choose the target language as Verilog. Then, proceed to the next window where you can add source files. In this case, no additional source files need to be added, so simply click "Next". Similarly, no IP cores or constraint files need to be added, so click "Next" in the respective windows.
After completing these initial setup steps, the project environment will be ready for implementing the LED lights experiment on the Basys3 board. This experiment involves creating a pattern of LED lights that mimics the effect of a running marquee. The specific details of implementing this experiment can be found in the related C102 laboratory instructions dated February 2017.
In summary, the process of using Vivado 2015 for the LED lights experiment on the Basys3 board involves creating a new project, specifying the project location, selecting the RTL project and Verilog language, and preparing the project environment for the experiment. This guide provides a clear and concise overview of the necessary steps to successfully set up the project and begin implementing the LED lights experiment.
2017-12-26 上传
2019-01-12 上传
2018-04-08 上传
2016-05-17 上传
2016-01-13 上传
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