model is usually called the sinusoids plus noise model, or deter-
ministic plus stochastic decomposition. In this model, the sinu-
soidal part corresponds to the “deterministic” part of the signal
due to the structured nature of this model. The remaining signal
is the sinusoidal noise component
, also referred to here as
residual or sinusoidal error signal, which is the “stochastic” part
of the audio signal, since it is very difficult to accurately model,
but at the same time essential for high-quality audio synthesis.
Accurately modeling the stochastic component has been exam-
ined both for the single-channel case, e.g., [2], [20], [21] and
the multi-channel audio case [3]. Practically, after the sinusoidal
parameters are estimated, the noise component is computed by
subtracting the sinusoidal component from the original signal.
Note that in this paper we are only interested in encoding the
sinusoidal part.
A. Single-Channel Sinusoidal Selection
To perform single-channel sinusoidal analysis, we employed
state-of-the-art psychoacoustic analysis based on [22]. In the
iteration, the algorithm picks a perceptually optimal sinusoidal
component frequency, amplitude, and phase. This choice mini-
mizes the perceptual distortion measure
is the Fourier transform of the residual signal
(original frame minus the currently selected sinusoids) after the
th iteration, and is a frequency weighting function set
as the inverse of the current masking threshold energy.
One issue with CS encoding is that no further refinement of
the sinusoid frequencies can be performed in the encoder, be-
cause frequencies which do not correspond to exact frequency
bins would result in loss of the sparsity in the frequency do-
main. This is an important problem, because it implies that we
must restrict the sinusoidal frequency estimation to the selection
of frequency bins (e.g., following a peak-picking procedure),
without the possibility of further refinement of the estimated fre-
quencies in the encoder. This can be alleviated by zero-padding
the signal frame, in other words improving the frequency res-
olution during the parameter estimation by reducing the bin
spacing. We have found, though, that for CS-based encoding
this can be performed to a limited degree, as zero-padding will
increase the number of measurements that must be encoded as
explained in Section IV (and consequently the bitrate). Fortu-
nately, this problem can be partly addressed by employing the
“frequency mapping” procedure, described in Section IV. Fur-
thermore, since the sparsity restriction need not hold after the
signal is decoded, frequency re-estimation can be performed in
the decoder, such as interpolation among frames.
B. Multi-Channel Sinusoidal Selection
To perform multi-channel sinusoidal analysis, we have
extended the sinusoidal modeling method presented in
[23]—which employs a matching pursuit algorithm to de-
termine the model parameters of each frame—to include the
psychoacoustic analysis of [22]. For the multichannel case,
in each iteration, the algorithm picks a sinusoidal compo-
nent frequency that is optimal for all channels, as well as
channel-specific amplitudes and phases. This choice minimizes
the perceptual distortion measure
is the Fourier transform of the residual signal of
th channel after the th iteration, and is a frequency
weighting function set as the inverse of the current masking
threshold energy. The contributions of each channel are simply
summed to obtain the final measure.
An important question is what masking model is suitable for
multi-channel audio where the different channels have different
binaural attributes in the reproduction. In transform coding, a
common problem is caused by binaural masking level differ-
ence (BMLD); sometimes quantization noise that is masked in
monaural reproduction is detectable because of binaural release,
and using separate masking analysis for different channels is not
suitable for loudspeaker rendering. However, this effect in para-
metric coding is not so well established.
We performed preliminary experiments using: 1) separate
masking analysis, i.e., individual
based on the masker
of channel
for each signal separately [see (3)]; 2) the masker
of the sum signal of all channel signals to obtain
; and 3) power summation of the other signals’ attenuated
maskers to the masker of channel
according to
In the above equation,
indicates the masker energy,
the estimated attenuation (panning) factor that was varied
heuristically, and
iterates through all channel signals ex-
. In this paper, we chose to use the first method, i.e.,
separate masking analysis for channels
, for the
reason that we did not find notable differencies in BMLD noise
unmasking, and that the sound quality seemed to be marginally
better with headphone reproduction. For loudspeaker reproduc-
tion, the second or third method may be more suitable.
The use of this psychoacoustic multi-channel sinusoidal
model resulted in sparser modeled signals, increasing the
effectiveness of our compressed sensing encoding.
Compressed sensing [15], [16]—also known as compressive
sensing or compressive sampling—is an emerging field which
has grown up in response to the increasing amount of data that
needs to be sensed, processed and stored. A great majority of
this data is compressed as soon as it has been sensed at the
Nyquist rate. The idea behind compressed sensing is to go di-
rectly from the full-rate, analog signal to the compact represen-
tation by using measurements in the sparse basis. Thus, the CS
theory is based on the assumption that the signal of interest is
sparse in some basis as it can be accurately and efficiently repre-
sented in that basis. This is not possible unless the sparse basis is
known in advance, which is generally not the case. Thus com-
pressed sensing uses random measurements in a basis that is