
需积分: 5 1 下载量 197 浏览量 更新于2024-04-09 收藏 4.22MB DOC 举报
Today, with the development of the Internet, people have found that they cannot live without it. The emergence of new technologies often solves the problems of some old technologies. Traditional community medical and health information management is difficult, with a low fault tolerance rate, and it takes a lot of time for management personnel to process data. Therefore, a community medical and health monitoring system has been developed specifically to solve these problems. The community medical and health monitoring system is designed to address many issues. The functionalities implemented in the system include drug information management, doctor management, case information management, community notice management, user management, and doctor appointment information management. The system utilizes MySQL database, Java language, SSM framework, and other technologies for programming implementation. The community medical and health monitoring system can improve the efficiency of solving community medical and health information management issues, optimize the processing flow of community medical and health information, and ensure the security of community medical and health information data. It is a very reliable and secure application."