
需积分: 0 0 下载量 87 浏览量 更新于2023-11-22 收藏 531KB DOC 举报
到达 a certain height, the surrounding temperature will become lower and the steam will turn into water droplets. When it reaches a certain amount, rainfall occurs. Generally, rainfall only occurs in summer because there is a high amount of water vapor during this season, resulting in heavy rainfall. Rainfall can be categorized into light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain, and torrential rain, each with different amounts of rainfall. Rainfall has both benefits and drawbacks for people. It can benefit agricultural crops as they require water for growth and can be irrigated with rainwater. However, prolonged heavy rain can cause flooding, which poses a significant threat to people's production and livelihoods, even endangering lives. Therefore, it is essential to predict rainfall in advance. By predicting rainfall, people can be prepared for outdoor activities and effectively avoid the dangers brought by heavy rain. In the past, people predicted rainfall through traditional methods, such as observing the color and density of clouds, observing animal behavior (e.g., ants moving or swallows flying low), and sensing the speed and strength of the wind. In recent times, with the rapid development of computer technology, computers play a crucial role in various industries. Through computer and network technology, many things that were previously impossible to do can now be achieved, and many new methods have been invented. Network technology has many applications in weather forecasting. This paper studies a practical rainfall prediction system that can accurately predict rainfall for each month. The system utilizes python technology and time series analysis. The database used is MySQL, ensuring the system's functionality and data security. Keywords: python, time series, rainfall prediction
2023-06-11 上传